In this article, we will help you answer the question When Does a domain expire?
When does a domain expire?
Domain expiration
Whenever you register your own domain in WordPress, you are also buying the right to use this name of the domain in a year. If you want to keep using this name after an initial year, you have to renew it each year. It is highly recommended that you need to renew this every year since as the domain name expires, it is not too easy to get it back again.
For the security purpose, you had better select the Auto Renew
option on the domain upgrade, so that you do not need to waste time worrying of losing your domain.
Take note that you will receive a notification of the expiration a few times via email. Generally, there are 30 days before the expiration and 5 to 7 days before expiration repeatedly. In case you do not renew your domain, WordPress also informs you via email in three days after the expiration. In addition, messages will be sent to your blog’s dashboard.
What happens when a domain expires
As a domain expires, it will go through many steps to make it difficult to be renewed.
Grace and redemption period
In fact, a domain that expires will fall into the grace period for 10 days up to two weeks. And during this period, this domain can be renewed at a specific price.
In case you have difficulties in renewing the domain, you need to ask for help from contact Support.
After a grace period finishes, this domain can join the redemption period and the length of that period varies, which means that this domain name can have a chance to be renewed, however, you have to pay for a $80.00 redemption fee besides the normal renewal price.
You had better note that domains can be added in the expired-domain auctions, in which other parties are able to bid the domain name. In case someone claims your domain, you cannot renew your domain. If you pay for reclaiming the domain out of this redemption and fail to do that, you will receive a refund.
Renew a domain in redemption period
Basically, relying on the domain type and the time it is registered, you can even redeem it by yourself. If the domain consists of that option, it will be present below your account. After the redemption, you can click on Renew Now
button that will cost you $80 to add this to your cart. You will not get your domain back if you do not pay the extra fees.
If the domain does not have any option to get it redeemed itself, it will be deleted from your own account as it joints redemption period. In that case of situation, you need to contact with the supporting team to redeem that domain.
Release domain
You should bear in mind that if your domain cannot be redeemed and cannot be purchased at the auction, it will be returned to the available domain names and registered again. However, some order companies will wait for that domain to be released and buy them. This means that if your domain is released, other parties can buy it before you have a chance to do so.
Domain expiration is quite popular on WordPress and whenever a domain expires, it will not be available in about 90 days. When it is back, anyone can register for that domain. You cannot allow a domain to expire if you are not done with it and want to own it again.
We hope that with our article on when does a domain expire, you can have further knowledge of this problem and what you have to do when your domain expires. If you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to help us share this on your social channels. Leave us any comment if you are still wondering about a domain expiration.