In this article, you will be informed on how to embed a Recipe on your site on WordPress.
In fact, you can use the shortcodes to embed your recipes with formatting, basic metadata, and printing on
Embed a Recipe
In order to insert a recipe to your own site on WordPress, you can use a recipe shortcode. Take note that anything among the opening [recipe] and closing [/recipe] tags are known as part of the recipe on your post or page.
You can add some optional attributes to add more information to the recipe, which assists the search engines index the recipe because the code uses a special microdata that is intended for all recipe.
Here are attributes you should bear in mind:
Title: name of your recipe.
Servings: the number of servings that the recipe makes.
Time: the total time that the recipe takes.
Difficulty: to express how hard the recipe is created.
Image: the URL to images of the dishes.
Description: express a short description of recipes.
Print: a link that leads to print recipes which are displayed by default in case you add one more attributes for the servings, difficulties, and time. In another way, you are able to hide print buttons by inserting print=”false”.
Notes, ingredients, and directions
Since lots of recipes might follow the same formats, WordPress can add more additional formatting for those following elements.
In order to insert notes, you can use recipe-notes shortcodes:
Add your notes, tips, etc here
In order to add ingredients, you can use recipe-ingredients shortcodes:
Add ingredients here
If you want to insert directions, you can use recipe-directions shortcode:
Add directions here
Those above shortcodes need to nested in the [recipe]…[/recipe] shortcode and they can be used in every order or any number of times; however, it depends on what you really need.
Take note that a title is added for the recipe-ingredients as well as recipe-directions. You had better customize this.
In order to get a title hid:
[recipe-directions title=false]
In order to modify the title, you can add:
[recipe-ingredients title="Topping Ingredients"]
Because those elements usually take advantages of lists, WordPress can add several formatting to make it simple to create a list.
To generate a list, you had better follow this following format:
item one
item two
item three
To generate a numbered list, you had better follow this format below:
item one
item two
item three
Recipe Shortcode in Action
We hope that with our above article on how to embed a Recipe on your site on WordPress, you can easily add a Recipe on your WordPress site to attract your readers from different resources. If you have any trouble while performing those above steps, don’t hesitate to contact us or leave us a comment.