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12+ Best wordpress Limit Login Attempts Apps in 2025
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- Author:Sam Thomas
12+ Best Shopify Limit Login Attempts Apps from hundreds of the Limit Login Attempts reviews in the market (Shopify Apps Store, Shopify Apps) as derived from AVADA Commerce Ranking which is using AVADA Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by AVADA Commerce experts, if your app about Limit Login Attempts does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best Limit Login Attempts app collection is ranked and result in March 24, 2025, the price from $0. You find free, paid Limit Login Attempts apps or alternatives to Limit Login Attempts also. The Top 50+ Shopify Free Apps for Every Store.
Quick Comparisons of the Best Shopify Limit Login Attempts Apps
Logo | App Name | Vendor | Pricing | Rating | Action |
![]() | Jetpack | Automattic | 0 | 3/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | Loginizer | Raj Kothari | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan | Cerber Tech Inc. | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | WP Limit Login Attempts | Arshid | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | Login LockDown | Michael VanDeMar | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ | |
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded | WPChef | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ | ||
![]() | Limit Attempts | BestWebSoft | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | WPS Limit Login | WPServeur | 0 | 5/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | Limite Login Attempts | miniorange | 0 | 3/5 ⭐️ | |
![]() | Limit Login Attempts | Tech Banker | 0 | 4/5 ⭐️ |
#1 Jetpack by Automattic

Jetpack is a security and performance management for your Wordpress site. Apart from guarding you against multiple security risks such as brute force attacks, it would also optimize the performance on your website.
Jetpack is the security guard of your website, which protects you from attacks. Fundamental coverage is available, although subscriptions add extended backups and automated solutions. The full suite of Jetpack website security tools contains limiting login attempts to prevent brute force attack as well as scanning malware, code and automated threats. Moreover, you can also filter your comments and remove spam with this plugin. Apart from the security functions, Jetpack even lets you optimize the loading of your media content such as images and videos, thus speed up your site. Beyond that, it would also provide statistics on your audience to provide you insights into their behavior.
The installation of Jetpack is totally free, fast and very easy. However, even the free features are powerful enough, you can compare several affordable plans for more advanced functions to manage your site.
Features Highlights
- Secure login from brute force attack
- Scan malware
- code and automated threat
- Filter and remove spam
- Optimize content and speed up website
- Provide statistics on audience
#2 Loginizer by Raj Kothari

Loginizer is a plugin for WordPress, which lets you combat brute force attacks by disabling IP login until full retries are permitted. You can use login Loginizer to blacklist or whitelist IPs.
The most fundamental feature that this plugin brings you is to block login attempts temporarily from IPs that have reached the allowed retries. Moreover, there is the function of extended lockout when the maximum number of lockouts exceeded. All of these actions would be sent as email notification to the website admin to make sure that you are aware of suspicious activities. Alternatively, you can predefine a blacklist of IP/IP range to prevent them from logging in on your site. These IP ranges are easily created and deleted from the admin control. Or you may create a whitelist although it's not a great idea to have exceptions on the site's security.
The list of these handy features still goes on if you upgrade to the pro version. To improve the security of your web site, you can use several other tools including Two Factor Auth, reCAPTCHA, PasswordLess Login and so on. Moreover, it would also support XML-RPC disability or rename to prevent automated brute force attacks.
Features Highlights
- Block IP after maximum retries allowed
- Extended Lockout after maximum lockouts allowed
- Email notification to admin
- Create and delete IP ranges
- Blacklist and whitelist IP/IP range
#3 Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan by Cerber Tech Inc.

Defend against hacker attacks, spam, trojans and malware from WordPress with Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan. Mitigate brute force attacks by restricting the number of attempts to login through the login form, requests, or using auth cookies.
WordPress allows free login attempts via the login form, XML-RPC or by submitting special cookies as a standard. It makes for fairly quick breaking of passwords by the attack of brute force. WP Cerber prohibits IP and subnet intruders from attempting further when a specified limit is reached on tests, making it impossible to target brute force or to spread brute forces on the botnets. It will monitor logins made by login forms, XML-RPC requests, including WooCommerce forms. You can easily Permit or restrict access by White IP Access list and Black IP Access List with a single IP, IP range or subnet. Moreover, this plugin also works automatically to detect and delete spam on your sites and verity files, plugins and themes to make sure your site is malware-free.
Cerber Security Scanner is a sophisticated and powerful tool that scans each directory thoroughly and inspect each file on a website for signs of malware, trojans, backdoors, modified files and new ones that secure your website for you when you're sleeping.
Features Highlights
- Limit login attempts to prevent hacker
- Monitors logins made by login forms
- Permit or restrict access
- Automatically detects and removes spam comments
- Verify files
- plugins and themes
#4 WP Limit Login Attempts by Arshid

Brute Force Attack appears to be the fastest way to gain access to a page: it attempts usernames and passwords again and again until it gets in. WP Limit Password Extension attempts to limit password attempts and temporarily block IP.
This is how the plugin is going to work on your website: it will restrict the number of login attempts that one user can have to prevent the risk of Brute Force attack. Any suspicious login attempts will be tracked and blocked IP temporarily. Captcha verification provides additional security for the WP Limit Login Attempts feature. The captcha verification would be required and if one failed to login for more than seven times, the website would be redirected to the home page and completely avoid your account from intruders. This will stop hacking tools and help to remove bots. This plugin generates GDPR compliant, which means when this feature is enabled, all logged IPs get obfuscated.
Brute Force attack may be a tool for criminals to crack encrypted data. So let's protect your account now with WP Limit Login Attempts. This lightweight plugin would act to protect your website without slowing down it.
Features Highlights
- Track user login attempts
- Provide Captcha Verification
- Remove malwares and bots
- Redirect to home page
- Generate GDPR compliant
#5 Login LockDown by Michael VanDeMar

If you are looking for a limit login attempts to enhance the security on your Wordpress site, Login LockDown is a recommendation for you. It is lightweight, simple yet works just fine to protect your website from any brute force attack.
This plugin uses a very simple method to protect your site from net bots or brute force attacks. Login LockDown tracks any unsuccessful login attempt's IP address and timeline. If more than a few attempts are detected from the same IP address within a short time, all requests from that range are blocked by the login feature. Therefore, it helps prevent the password detection of brute force attacks. The plugin by default, locks an IP address for 1 hour after 3 failed login attempts inside 5 minutes. However, these settings can be customized through the Options panel. Manual locked IP ranges from the panel may be unlocked by administrators.
Login LockDown works perfectly on multiple sites. The plugin is being continuously updated with new features for its best performance as your site's guardian.
Features Highlights
- Record login attempts from IP addresses
- Detect suspicious login attempts
- Block login for a certain period of time
- Release locked IP ranges
- Customize block options in options panel
#6 Limit Login Attempts Reloaded by WPChef
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded is one of the most popular Wordpress plugins to limit the number of login attempts allowed on your page, via both usual login or using authorization cookies. This plugin is developed for your site's security.
As the name suggests, the plugin would restrict the number of login attempts on your website when it reaches the predefined limit. This number is totally customizable from the option panel. Your users will be informed about the number of possible retries or the lockout time in case they are temporarily blocked from logging in. The plugin is available for all kinds of login forms including Woocommerce login page protection. It also provides protection for XML-RPC gateway which is somehow like a portal to your website contact. For more advanced features to increase your website's security, consider the custom IP origins to set up Cloudflare and Sucuri.
The plugin has been translated to a lot of languages making it easier to use for your users. Besides English, it is currently available in Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, French, Norwegian, Persian Romanian, Ukrainian, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional), and Russian.
Features Highlights
- Limit the number of retry attempts
- Inform about the remaining retries
- Custom IP origins support
- Woocommerce login page protection
- XML-RPC gateway protection
#7 Limit Attempts by BestWebSoft

Limit Attempts Plugin is a WordPress security solution that stops spam and brute-force attacks from your website. This handles black and white lists, accepts email notifications, covers blocked and Blacklisted IP files, and other advanced features to maintain data security.
This plugin is available both in free and premium versions, Limit Attempts by BestWebSoft. The interface is relatively powerful, so that IP addresses that reach maximum login attempts will automatically be disabled. It also adds IP addresses to the blacklist that surpass blocks. There is no login, registration, and lost password forms available to blocked or blacklisted IPs. Manage the IP address statistics or other data, like the number of failed attempts or blocking. The plugin can also protect you with the Captcha verification. Ultimately, notifications about blocked and blacklisted users to the user email and administrator's email.
If you wish to go pro, there are even more handy to manage your website's security including Captcha Pro and the option of non-existent user name log in. Moreover, you are able to receive responses within one working day to your help questions.
Features Highlights
- Automatically block IP addresses
- Hide login
- register
- lost password forms
- Support captcha validation
- Manage statistics with IP address
- Send messages to blocked/blacklisted users
#8 WPS Limit Login by WPServeur

By default, Wordpress lets your users have an unlimited number of login attempts to your account on your website. However, this leaves a serious breach of security from which hackers can attack your site. Install WPS Limit Login to protect the website and your users from these attacks.
Fundamentally, this plugin works as a shield for your website. It will restrict the number of login attempts and retries on your website for each IP address by using authorization cookies. At the same time, the plugin also displays the number of remaining retries that users are allowed to make. If this number exceeds the limit, the login page will be unavailable for a certain amount of time. All of the IPs with suspicious attempts are added into a blacklist, or you can create a whitelist as well. This plugin protects your server behind the reverse proxy and even works for payment gateways like Woocommerce. So you are all safe from the bad intense.
WPS Limit Login makes sure that no further attempts can be made, making brute force attacks, botnet and malware impossible. It is currently available in English and French versions.
Features Highlights
- Limit the number of retry attempts
- Informs about the remaining retries
- Add IPs to blacklist/whitelist
- Woocommerce login page protection
- Handle server behind the reverse proxy
#9 Limite Login Attempts by Miniorange

Limit Login Attempts is the plugin that is going to protect the site against hacks and malware. Limit Login Attempts provides security for login, protection for Brute Force attacks, strict enforcement of passwords.
In a Brute Force attack, hackers try over and over to break into the website with random usernames and passwords. This plugin will track all of these login attempts and limit the number of login attempts allowed on your page; hence, protect your users' account from these attacks. The number of remaining attempts would be displayed on the login page. An extra protection method you can use with this plugin is the antispam featured by Google reCAPTCHA. It supports Google reCAPTCHA for different forms like RegistrationMagic, WooCommerce, Simplr Registration, Event Registration, and so on. More advanced functions that Limit Login Attempts brings you including the ability to restrict IP or IP range to avoid invalid login attacks.
A Brute Force Attack is the simplest and most popular way to access a website. This plugin provides protection at the company level, defending the Wordpress website from hackers and malware.
Features Highlights
- Limit and track user login attempts
- Limit the number of allowed login attempts
- Protect users from spam with Google reCAPTCHA
- Restrict IP or IP range
- Display remaining attempts on Login Page
#10 Limit Login Attempts by Tech Banker

Brute Force is one of the serious problems with account security today. Limit Attempts Booster has been designed to control user website access and provide the website with bulletproof protection. Limit Attempts Booster aims to secure the website from attacks by the Brute Force. Its goal is to protect your account from any hacking purposes.
You can prevent attempts by users to sign in to their accounts via this plugin installed on your website. If there is an exceed in the number of attempts, they could be stopped over a span. The aim of this page access and contents is to be managed by building and modifying unlock and blocking lists. This allows you to set the Auto IP Block so you will block the IP address of an unwanted user after a certain number of failed logins. Another advanced feature is that some countries can be blocked to prevent unauthorized access to your web site. Beyond that, you can specify the settings for adding an IP Address to the block list. For the blocking actions, an email notification will be sent to both the admin and users to make sure everyone is aware of anything going on.
Limit Login Attempts have been tested on popular browsers on different devices and proved to work well. It is easy to use and everything can be set up within a few minutes. This plugin is also available with the pro version with lots of premium features and a responsive technical support team.
Features Highlights
- Limit users attempt to login to
- Block user for a certain period of time
- Create and edit unblock and block list
- Specify the settings for an IP Address
- Send Email notifications to the Administrator
#11 BruteGuard by EverPress

BruteGuard is a Wordpress plugin to protect brute force attacks and shield you from botnets. When BruteGuard is enabled, you will be included in an integrated botnet security network.
The plugin record unsuccessful login attempts across the entire network of its users to find out suspicious activities from IP/IP ranges as hackers usually won't attack one single site. It will track and connect these attempts to protect you from botnet attacks. These IPs/IP ranges would be blocked from logging in to any Wordpress site that is under the protection of Brute Guard. Alternatively, the site admin can create and manage whitelist of IPs that won't be blocked for testing.
The plugin monitors and blocks IPs throughout the network, so the more people that use BruteGuard, the better you get the entire network. BruteGuard supports multiple domains and is a protection layer so that it is fully compatible with any other security plugin.
Features Highlights
- Track attempts from the whole network
- Monitor failed login attempts
- Block IP/IP ranges
- Create and manage whitelist
- Protect from botnet attacks
#12 Login Restrict by Skynet Technologies

The unlimited login attempts via the login page is a possible risk for hackers to use random usernames and passwords to attack your website. Protect your Wordpress site as well as your users now with Login Restrict.
The plugin works with a simple yet effective method that makes the brute force attack difficult or nearly impossible on your website. It will monitor and track the number of login attempts from each IP address. The user would also be informed about the number of allowed attempts. When the number of failed attempts reached the customizable limit, further retries would be blocked for that IP address and the login page would no longer be available. There is an option of sending notifications to website admin and users about these blocks. The plugin works behind a reverse proxy, which will help you to connect without risking your safety behind the firewall. Beyond that, you can create a whitelist of IPs by using filters to allow them to login unlimitedly.
The plugin is designed to make sure that your website is entirely guarded. Note that it does monitor whitelisted IPs as usual. This is for the sake of your awareness of any suspicious attempts.
Features Highlights
- Limit the number of login attempts
- Informs about remaining attempts
- Optional logging
- optional email notification
- Handles server behind reverse proxy
- Whitelist IPs using a filter
How AVADA Commerce ranks 12 wordpress Limit Login Attempts apps list
These above 12 Limit Login Attempts apps for wordpress are ranked based on following criteria:
- The ratings on $wordpress store
- The app’s rank on search engines
- The prices and features
- The app provider’s reputation
- Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
- Reviews and assessment by AVADA.io
Top 12+ wordpress Limit Login Attempts Apps
Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 12 Shopify Limit Login Attempts apps. We honestly recommend you to give every app above a try if possible. We create Shopify apps review series with the aim of helping Shopify online stores find the best Limit Login Attempts for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.
The list of the 12 best Shopify Limit Login Attempts apps is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this app review.
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