34+ Best CSS Search Boxes Examples from hundreds of the CSS Search Boxes reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Search Boxes does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Search Boxes css collection is ranked and result in March 25, 2025. You can find free CSS Search Boxes examples or alternatives to CSS Search Boxes also.
Desktop search box by
**Desktop search box** is a template with a serious but pro look, a cool design for those who are looking for search box templates, generated by the author The National Archives.
As an overview, the dark background has brought a serious vibe in the air. Right in the center of it, you can see a ready-to-use search box in color white standing out from the black background. You are allowed to add a hidden description into the textbox. The symbolized magnifying glass button is green. It is also the Submit button to start searching when you finish typing in your words. The left of the search bar is where the More button is placed. This button offers 2 options for you: _To search our website_ or _To search our records_.
Fancy Search Box by
**Fancy search box** is a search box template with a clean design, made by the author Mamun Khandaker.
To go more into details, what you are provided here is a simple search bar with some usual functions. However, simplicity and minimalism never go out of style with a clean look, thanks to the given white background, your website will always stay attractive and modern. The searching button is bordered by a border in the square shape, and there is a magnifying glass symbol on it. This button can enable the search box when you click on it. You can try it out now to experience more!
Filter search box / dropdown animation by
**Filter search box / dropdown animation** is a search box template made by the author buğra koçak.
This search box template has a simple but eye-catching design thanks to the background with a striking color combination, including the main colors orange, green, and blue. The layout of this design is kept simple in order to eliminate all elements that can be able to distract your audiences. Therefore, there is only one search box placed in the center of the background, color white, coupled with a call-to-action text inside.
Bring it to the store with a single click to have a professional look!
Animated Search Input by
**Animated search input** is one of the samples developed by the author Lucas Henrique, and a template of search box.
Take a look at the template, it comes with a very trendy combination of color, gradient effect with green and blue. In the center of the background, as you can see, is a white magnifying glass icon that is actually a searching button simplified. Click on the button and you will see the search bar displayed in an attractive way. On top of that, you are allowed to add a hidden description for the search bar to encourage customers to take action quickly.
Let's take action right now! I'm sure you will not regret it!
Expanding Input by
**Expanding Input** is one of the samples developed by the author Steve Gardner, and a template of the search box.
To look more into detail, the light blue background has brought along a very fresh and cute vibe. The search bar is symbolized as an icon of the magnifying glass, color white, placed right in the center of the background. When you click on the magnifying glass button, the search box will show up and be highlighted while all the background will be blurred.
No more waiting time with boring search box, install this Expanding Input to your site now!
Pure CSS Expanding Search With Custom Properties by
**Pure CSS expanding search with custom properties** is one of the samples developed by the author Ana Tudor, and a basic search box template.
To go more into detail, the template provides you with a dark background when it is all in black. However, the searching button looks very outstanding and attractive with the color of neon green. Click on the button and you will see how it works. The button will enable the search box, right? That’s not all. Click on the search bar and see how bright it is. If you want to close the search box, tap the X button.
If you want to have a simple search box for your site, this Pure CSS expanding search with custom properties is the right one for you!
Search Bar by
**Search Bar** is one of the samples developed by the author Takane Ichinose, and a pro search box template.
Take a look at the template, the first impression might be left on you may be This is so fresh and modern. It may be the common opinion when light blue is selected to be the main color of the template. Besides, to stand out, all texts are white. With this template, you have a title and a description box to encourage customers to take action. The search bar will be displayed once you click on the magnifying glass button.
Start optimizing your customers' searching experience with this amazing Search bar!
Search Box Focus Effect by
**Search Box Focus Effect** is one of the samples developed by the author Chris Smith, and aptly named, a search box template.
As an overview, this template serves a very simple look when there is only a white search box placed on a grey background. But when you click on the search box, you will see the effect that the background will be covered by yellow and the color comes from your search box. Yes, you have heard it right! However, to get back to the original background, you just need to click on the background.
It sounds very easy, doesn’t it?
Animating Search Box by
Animating search box, a design built by the author Jarno van Rhijn, is a search box template suitable for those web developers who are looking for a strong look that could leave a lasting impression.
We bet that you can impress your audience with this template design. Why? The answer lies in the background that comes with the color red, but a dark shade. Standing from the background, the magnifying glass icon is placed right in the center of it. This is, actually, a search bar that has been symbolized with a common symbol. If you want the search box to appear, click on the button!
How To Create The Search Box Using HTML And CSS by
This is a stunning search box template with a cute look, made by the author rajeshdn.
To go more into details, the template brings along a basic but very attractive look with pastel purple as the main color for the background. In the center of it, you can see the search box in a large size and in a bright color, to be compared with the background. The color of the search box is white. To be more specific, the text box goes with a white border. You are allowed to add a hidden description, type in your words and start searching!
Mobile Splash Search Box by
**Mobile Splash Search Box** is a stunning search box template with a modern & professional design, made by the author nullqube.
To go more into details, the template provides you with an advanced search box design. On the black background, the icon/ title of the search box is bright orange, so keep in mind that you will have an outstanding look thanks to the orange-black color combination. Under the title, you have the search bar laid down and a hidden description in it. Different from many other templates, this one comes with many search suggestions, so you would avoid wasting too much time typing words.
Search Box by
**Search Box** is a template with a simple look, a design suitable for web runners who are looking for search box templates with a stylish impression, created by the author Ashan.
To look more into details, this template comes with a modern and professional design thanks to the white template and the fresh vibe it raises. The search bar is placed in the center of the background. It is highlighted by a shadow effect. When you click on the search box, the textbox will instantly get extended and some suggestions will be displayed right below.
Search Box by
**search box** is a template with an impressive look, a design suitable for web developers who are looking for search box templates with a strong impression, created by the author CodeBlogger.
To look more into details, this template serves a bright red background. This is to leave a strong impression on new customers, attract them, and also could help you eliminate those elements that can lead to distractions. You can see that there is a black button placed in the center of the background. No need to click on, the search bar will be automatically enabled when you hover over the button.
Search Box by
**Search box** is a ready-to-use search box template with a simple design, generated by the author rajeshdn.
To go more into details, similar to many other search box templates, this one comes with a button placed right in the center of the background. The button is highlighted with a shadow effect and a green magnifying glass symbol on it. Click on the button and you will see a search bar is displayed. The button will then turn green and has the function of Start Searching. All your texts that will be typed in will be green as well.
Search Box by
Search Box is, aptly named, a search box template with a usual design, made by the author Marco Livi.
To go more into details, the template comes with beige as the man color tone hence the background has been set to be dark beige. Right in the center, the magnifying glass icon is in a huge size, To enable search box, you just need to click on the magnifying icon that is actually a button. Hover over the icon you will see a small description to stimulate actions from customers. The icon will enable a textbox for you to type in your words!
Search Input animation by
Search Input animation, a ready-to-use design made by the author Nikolay Talanov, is an eye-catching search box template. If you are looking for cuteness or modernness, or both, go for it!
To go more into details, the template serves a cute and bright look thanks to the attractive pink background. There is a magnifying glass in the center of it, this is the button to display the search box, which means it will enable the search box when you click on it. Once the search box gets opened, you can type in your words to start searching!
Search Box by
**Search Box** is a search box template with a vintage design, made by the author nullqube.
To go more into details, the template provides you with 2 samples of search box while many others come with just one only. The 2 search boxes are in color white to make them stand out from the background. The background has striped patterns to bring a very vintage vibe. You are offered 2 kinds of icons for each search bar. However, the resemblance between these 2 is it has a magnifying glass icon as the symbols.
Simple Search Field (Pure CSS) by
Simple Search Field (Pure CSS), a design created by the author Charlie Marcotte, is an advanced search box template that comes with many cool features.
Taking a closer look at this design, the template does serve a not only modern but also very pro look with a baby blue background. The center of it is where the search box is placed. To start searching, click on the box and type in your words, or much easier, you can click on the red button and start searching using voice. Right under the box are 5 options (and also suggestions) for you to conduct a quick search, including Parking, Food, Gas, Coffee, and Misc.
Search & box test (pink) by
**Search & box test (pink)** is a template with a bright and cute look, a design for web designers who are looking for search box templates with cuteness and modesty, created by the author ♥.
Your first impression about the template may be about the colorways of pink and white that bring along the brightness. To find out more about details, it comes with a baby pink background. The decorating image of a pink heart is placed in the center of the background. Right above is the search box in the color of white and marked by a pink heart icon.
Simple Search Box by
**Simple Search Box** is a template with a modest look, a design suitable for web designers who are looking for search box templates with modernness and simplicity, created by the author Alexander Lomholt.
To find out more about details, the template provides you with a very impressive look by coming with a cherry red background. As can be obviously seen, your template’s title is placed on top. The search box stands out from the background with its white color. Type in your words and click the magnifying glass button to start searching because it is the Submit button.
Slide-Down Search-Box by
**Slide-Down Search-Box** is a search box template with a vintage design, made by the author Nullqube.
To go more into detail, this template comes with a fresh and modern look with the bright color yellow that covers the background. There are some categories placed in the upper right corner of the background, including CV, Blog, Logon, and Search. Hover over the Search button to enable the search box. The search box has a green search button along with a recognizable magnifying glass icon. The search bar will turn yellow once you click into it.
Why don't you give it a try?
Expandable Searchbar Animation by
**Expandable Searchbar Animation** is one of the samples developed by the author Menelaos, and a simple search box template.
To go more into detail, the template serves a very dark background when it is full of black. However, this could bring about a mysterious feeling and a sense of professionalism. There is a magnifying glass icon in the center of the background, this is a button. Try placing your mouse pointer on the button, no need to click on, the icon will enable the search box immediately within no more than a second.
Start attracting more customers to your site with this Expandable Searchbar Animation right now!
@keyframers 1.5.0 | Increasing Input by
**@keyframers 1.5.0 | Increasing Input** is one of the samples generated by the author Shaw, and a modern template of search box.
To look more into detail, the template is designed with an ultra purple background. This color is very trendy and neuter, so it will not only make your website have a never-out-of-style look, but it will also be suitable for any genders. Take a closer look at the magnifying glass icon in the center of the background, you will see that it has been divided into 2 parts. Actually, it will be opened and change into a search bar when you click on it. Meanwhile, the background will turn blue.
Install this CSS effect to your site to beautify your searching box!
Pure CSS Animated Search Bar by
**Pure CSS Animated Search Bar** is one of the samples developed by the author Omar Sherif, and an impressive search box template.
As an overview, the template serves a very strong look. You might be under that impression when first seeing the template with the background in red. Like many other templates, this one also did put the search box in the center of the background and did simplify it as a magnifying glass icon. You do not need to tap the icon, just hover over and you will see the search box be displayed quickly.
Why don' t you try it right away?
Search box v.2 by
**Search box v.2** is one of the samples developed by the author Takane Ichinose, and the name of a Search box template.
To be more specific, this template brings along a very simple but modern and professional feeling. The background is all white and there is only a magnifying glass displayed in the center of it. Try clicking on the magnifying glass, what would you see? You are right, it is a button, not just an image. When clicked on, the button will change into a search box, in other words, a text box that you are allowed to type in anything to start searching.
Try it out today!
Search Form With Animated Search Button by
**Search Form With Animated Search Button** is one of the samples developed by the author Himalaya Singh, and cute, eye-catching search box template.
To go more into details, the template comes with a baby pink background, looks very light and bright so you will feel fresh and professional. Also, the color combination has been applied to this template here may stimulate viewers to take action thanks to the search box colored coral pink. It is placed in the center of the background and especially stands out with its color. You can type anything in the text box to start searching. Hover over the magnifying icon, it will be instantly changed into an arrow, which means a Go or Submit button!
Sounds interesting, isn't it?
UI by
**UI #2 - Search Bar** is one of the samples developed by the author Jove Angelevski, and a basic search box template.
To go more into detail, the template brings along a mysterious vibe. However, it could make the template look more attractive on the whole while going with the black background is the searching button in red. You know the color combination of red and black never goes out of style! The search bar will show up once you click on the red button. The button will then turn black to make the red search bar more outstanding!
Try out this Search Bar now!
Animated Css Search Box by
**Animated Css Search Box** is a template with a simple look, a suitable design for web developers who are looking for search box templates with minimalism, created by the author Jinson Abraham.
To look more into details, this template comes with simplicity so it has a very basic look with basic functions. The background is full of black so it is easy for anyone to recognize the Searching button that has the color white. This button can enable the search bar so when you click on it, the search box will show up. Then you are allowed to put in your keywords in the given blank. There might be some keyword suggestions available for you.
Animated Search Box by
**Animated Search Box** is a template with a trendy and modern look, a suitable design for web runners who are looking for search box templates, created by the author Arifayan Idowu Olatubosun.
To look more into details, the first impression of this template must be its trendy gradient green background. Standing out from it, the title has the color white with a modern font and in a huge size. The search bar is placed right under the template’s title. This search box is also white. There is a hidden description in the box to stimulate actions from customers. Also, when you tap the box, note and follow the guideline below.
Animated Search Box by
**Animated Search Box** is a premade template with a simple look for those who are looking for search box designs, generated by the author Cuong Nguyen.
To go more into details, the template is designed to suit any website of any category thanks to the trendy shade of blue the background wears. Look at the white magnifying glass in the center of it. If you are looking for the search box, that magnifying button can help you enable the box. How? Try clicking on the button, then you will see the search box opened immediately. Tap the textbox, you will be suggested many keywords that might include what you have searched recently.
Animated search Form by
Animated search Form is a very basic search box template, a design created by the author Christophe Béghin. Despite its simplicity, this template can still serve fundamental things best in its own way.
To go more into details, the template comes with a look full of beige tone so the background is dark beige, and the magnifying glass icon is beige also, but it’s a darker shade. It is the button that can enable search box. Click on the magnifying icon and you will see how it works. The text box will show up with an underline and a description to stimulate customers to take action.
Bootstrap 4 Search Box by
**Bootstrap 4 Search Box** is a basic template with a very modern and attractive look for those who are looking for search box designs, generated by the author Prince Sargbah. This design suits traveling and hotel service websites very well. Let’s take a look!
At first sight, you may be under the impression that the design is really gorgeous. Thanks to the imposing scenery of the background, the chilling vibe it brings about could make anyone be softened. You are provided with 2 search boxes and an advanced category filter. The template allows you to search by keywords, locations, and categories. Once you finish typing, click the Search button to start searching!
CSS Effect For Search Input by
CSS effect for search input, a design built by the author Mihael Tomić, is a trendy search box template with a cute look.
The first impression about this template must be its cuteness and brightness thanks to the baby pink background. By the way, baby pink is the Pantone color of the year 2016 so no worries that it will go out of style. With this template, you are provided with a textbox to set the title for your search box. It could be a description to stimulate customers to take action. Now, about the search box, hover over the center-located search bar and you will see the effect. It has been changed into a textbox with an underline only, now it looks much clearer, doesn’t it?
CSS Search Box by
CSS Search Box, a premade design built by the author Jamie Coulter, is a modern search box template suitable for web designers searching for a professional look.
To go more into details, the template comes with a bright, trendy and attractive appearance thanks to the neon yellow background. Right in the center, you can see the magnifying glass icon standing out from the background. It is the button to enable the search bar. Click on it and you will see a search box in the color dark navy. You can type in your words to start searching anytime!
How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Search Boxes examples list
These above 34 CSS Search Boxes examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:
- The ratings on CSS Examples
- The css’s rank on search engines
- The prices and features
- The css provider’s reputation
- Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
- Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce
Top 34+ CSS Search Boxes Examples
Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 34 CSS Search Boxes examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Search Boxes for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.
The list of the best 34 CSS Search Boxes examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.
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