20+ Best CSS Masonry Layout Examples from hundreds of the CSS Masonry Layout reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Masonry Layout does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Masonry Layout css collection is ranked and result in March 25, 2025. You can find free CSS Masonry Layout examples or alternatives to CSS Masonry Layout also.
Testimonials/Reviews Using Masonry by
**Testimonials/Reviews Using Masonry** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Tyler Berry.
Rating and testimonial system is considered very important to a website’s/ brand’s popularity. For that reason, it is also necessary to display all testimonials in a professional way to make it easier to impress visitors and stimulate them to take action. Despite all different sizing the given text boxes have, they share the same layout: a green heading on top, right below is a review from previous purchasers. These cards’ places are replaceable/ flexible based on your device and screen size!
Responsive Pure CSS Masonry Layout - Column Count by
**Responsive Pure CSS Masonry Layout - Column Count** is one of the Masonry Card templates made by the author Stephanie.
The template comes with any cards, containing many emotions. The main colors having been used in the template include those having hot shades, ranging from light orange to dark red. For that reason, each emotion even looks more emotional than it really is. The lighter the background within the card is, the better the emotion is. All these cards are numbered respectively from 1 to 19. They are arranged in no specific order, so it must be fun to scroll up and down during the stay on your website.
Masonry cards (CSS Grid) with buttons by
**Masonry cards (CSS Grid) with buttons** is designed by the author Stephen Lee. This is a premade Masonry Card template for the websites working in any kind of service industry.
Masonry layout is also known as Pinterest Style Layout. For normal layouts, you may see a lot of distant gaps generated due to the different proportions among many images. However, for Masonry Cards, elements will be placed in columns with a specified width, and elements with different heights will be together in order to not create too many gaps.
True Masonry with Grid Layout by
**True Masonry with Grid Layout** is one of the Masonry Card templates made by the author Balázs Sziklai.
The template provides you with a lot of premade cards coming with a flexible grid. It means that it is possible to display this template on any device with any screen size even it’s PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. The reason for it is that these given cards are arranged in a specific order, which is they can automatically be placed or know where to be, based on its own shape and sizing information including height and width.
Masonry layout js by
**Masonry layout js** is the name of another CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Crianbluff.
This template comes as an online gallery that is made up of countless images. These given images, as can be clearly seen, are arranged in a specific order so that they can look good and fit together so perfectly. At first sight, visitors may think it is random when they fit. Actually, they come with a flexible grid, which can make the whole template be flexible with any size of screen.
Masonry Layout JS Vanilla by
**Masonry Layout JS Vanilla** is the name of another CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Alberto Mateo.
This template is made up of many images from many sources. That makes it come as an online gallery that displays pieces of art. These given cards come with a flexible grid. This is a characteristic that all masonry layouts feature. That is why Masonry Layout is so common among web developers and designers. It can help you grab visitors’ attention by its colorfulness. Also, the white background can make it more modern and professional.
Masonry Layout - CSS Grid by
**Masonry Layout - CSS Grid** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Steven Roberts.
This template gives you some sample cards to show you how Masonry Layout really works on a website. At first, we can say that the template looks really professional and minimal with the colorway black/ white. Card layouts make it considered a virtual online gallery with pictures in different sizes. These given images may seem irrelevant to each other but in fact, they are doing a very good job that is to make the whole website layout look perfectly fit!
Pinterest like grid (Masonry Layout) Pure CSS by
**Pinterest like grid (Masonry Layout) Pure CSS** is the name of one of the Masonry Card templates made by the author Urias.
This template is made up of many sample cards. They may seem similar to each other but not really because their size and shape can be very flexible to fit perfectly when they are together. Each card comes with a specific color, it may be deep pink, dark brown, grey, deep green, and more. However, they share the same card layout and design when they are all surrounded by white borders.
Pure CSS Masonry Gallery with Flexbox by
**Pure CSS Masonry Gallery with Flexbox** is one of the Masonry Card templates made by the author digistate.
These given cards are coming with a flexible grid because not similar to many other card templates, this one is a masonry card one, which means whatever device you have, it will display very well, be 100% responsible and compatible. Here we have some cards that are numbered from 1 to 10 with different heights and widths. Each of them can be highlighted when you click on it!
Bootstrap 4 Masonry Layout by
**Bootstrap 4 Masonry Layout** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Techiediaries
This template provides you with a kind of different style and appearance from many others: all cards, they come with their own buttons. These cards differ from each other when it comes to design and card layout. What is the difference? First, they are of various sizes, heights, and widths. A card can also contain header and footer. For some others, you can even add navigation and pills to card header. Meanwhile, many contain buttons.
CSS Grid Masonry by
**CSS Grid Masonry (Step 10)** is one of the Masonry Card templates prebuilt the author Andy Barefoot.
This template comes with a lot of cards. They are designed with different heights and widths. However, they look perfect together because not similar to many normal card template, this one is a masonry card layout template, which akes all cards look fit and have a reasonable layout. Each card is marked with a different color. The color may be red, dark green, and orange. Don’t forget to insert a description and an image into each car!
CSS Grid masonry layout (image gallery) by
**CSS Grid masonry layout (image gallery)** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Stephen Lee
The template is made up of nearly 20 images with different themes. They are of different sizes from each other, including heights and widths, and that leads to different shapes of image. However, they come with a flexible grid, which makes them look perfectly fit in total. For that reason, many equivalent image-to-image gaps are generated, making a very great combination.
css masonry layout by
**css masonry layout** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Andrea Pizzigalli.
This template is a really impressive one thanks to the design and its special theme: India. Through all of this template, it can be clearly seen that Red is definitely the main color when you can see it everywhere from the top to the bottom. All given images have different heights and widths from each other, but somehow they look perfectly fit. The reason behind it is the flexible grid, featured by the Masonry Card Layout!
CSS Only Masonry Layout by
**CSS Only Masonry Layout (No CSS Grid)** is the name of another CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Kreig Durham.
There need to be many cards to make up this template. As you can obviously see when it comes to the sizing, these given cards have flexible widths and heights. In other words, they come with a flexible grid, a characteristic that Masonry Style Layout features. That also means this template can work very well on any size of screen, on any device even PC, laptop, or mobile phone.
Easy Horizontal Masonry Effect with CSS Grid by
**Easy Horizontal Masonry Effect with CSS Grid** is a Masonry Card template designed by the author Andy Barefoot.
The first impression of this template must be about its colorfulness and modernness, these colors include green, red, and orange. Not similar to many other card templates, this masonry card one offers many cards coming with a flexible grid. That is to say, based on the height and width of each card, they are placed together, according to a specific rule, to look best on your website.
Masonary Wall by
**Masonary Wall** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author KEYUR PARALKAR.
Coming with a dark and mysterious look, art seems to be the theme of the given template. In the demo, there are some pictures with different styles. However, the thing is they fit so well together even when they are of different sizes, heights, and widths. That leads to the presentation of some equivalent image-to-image gaps, not randomly-sizing gaps. This can make your website look more stunning and professional!
Title by
**Masonry Layout** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Said El Bakkali.
As can be obviously seen, there are a lot of stunning pictures contained by this template. They are mostly portraits with a dreamy vibe. All these features images have different heights and widths from each other. Despite that, they still look so well together because all created image-to-image gaps are perfectly equivalent. That is a perk of the Masonry Layout when it features a flexible grid for all contained pictures!
CSS Only Masonry Layout With Css Multiple Column Layout by
**CSS ONLY MASONRY LAYOUT WITH CSS MULTIPLE COLUMN LAYOUT** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Diana.
This template provides you with many images from multiple sources so you can say it is a virtual online gallery that contains a lot of pieces of art. As a masonry card layout, this one features a flexible grid that can make all given images placed in where they need to be to make a whole perfect look. These images are arranged in a specific order that can lead to equivalent picture-to-picture gaps.
Masonry by
**Masonry** is the name of one of the Masonry Card templates made by the author RenGM.
This template is served a very wild and impressive look. To be more specific, you are provided with 6 sample cards. The interesting thing is they are coming with a flexible grid, which can make these cards fit any screen size very well because of their flexibility of sizing. Each card can change its shape as well to make the whole template looks good together. Place your pointer on a specific card and it will be highlighted with pink. Also, some info will be displayed to stimulate viewers’ actions.
Masonry - test imagesLoaded in IE8 by
**Masonry - test imagesLoaded in IE8** is the name of a CSS Masonry Card template made by the author Dave DeSandro.
At first sight, you may be under the impression that this template looks so modern. The significant feature is not about the given images displayed on the template, it is about all the effects that are featured. When you open the template, all images will be dealt out immediately from the upper left corner. After a few minutes, they will change their orders/ places. However, all changes will not leave any imperfection to the way the template looks.
How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Masonry Layout examples list
These above 20 CSS Masonry Layout examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:
- The ratings on CSS Examples
- The css’s rank on search engines
- The prices and features
- The css provider’s reputation
- Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
- Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce
Top 20+ CSS Masonry Layout Examples
Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 20 CSS Masonry Layout examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Masonry Layout for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.
The list of the best 20 CSS Masonry Layout examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.
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