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CSS Login Forms Examples 2025

  • Author
    Sam Thomas

32+ Best CSS Login Forms Examples from hundreds of the CSS Login Forms reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Login Forms does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Login Forms css collection is ranked and result in March 24, 2025. You can find free CSS Login Forms examples or alternatives to CSS Login Forms also.

Animated Form by

If you are looking for a solution to have more customers as well as sales, this Animated Form is suitable for you. The background with the dark colours boosts the appearance of white box. Moreover, the animation of two forms as two layers which makes the customers so attracted. The blur form will appear clearly when the customers click to different texts LOGIN or SIGN UP. When click to another site, it will appear underline and clear. The Signup Form is different from others because it has three empty boxes so that you need to confirm the password once again. Besides, the green button is so attractive for the customers to click to. It is worthy for any online merchants to install this amazing codepen for their stores. Let's do it now.

Animated Login Form by

Simple but without losing the professionalism, which we can feel from the model designed by Aklima Iren. The two main colors of the template are white and orange, in the middle is where customers are most interested, designed in the form of wrapping paper and the word Login is in orange to help it stand out and easy to identify by customers. After completing the username and password information, they will receive the Login button located in the orange box, which is quite prominent. I know you can not refuse this excellent model, install it right back to the your store!

CSS Cube Login Form by

Black is a mystery and always attracts people. This CodePen CSS Cube Login Form is something like this for you. At first sight, visitors will be focusing on the white colour text Sign in on the black ground. In the middle of the page, there are three main cubes such as Username, Password and another in stunning colour is Log in cube. They are in 3D animated. Especially when they click on any cube, this button will be covered apart with white and blue colour. That's so great when you add this form to your site, right? Install now and your stores can be easily outstanding.

CSS Login form by

Trends, modernity, and attraction are what we can feel from the input form of Gerta Xhepi. Mixing purple, gray and black is a unique feature of this template. The background center is where the customers log in to their account, there are many login options such as Facebook, Twitter or email when entering information, the gradient effect will appear and the word Login surrounded by purple border looks very professional. In addition, customers can completely retrieve their password when clicking on the line "forgotten password". Take it back to your store instead of spending too much time thinking about it.

Daily UI 001 Sign Up by

Daily UI #001: Sign Up was developed by Fabio Ottaviani to solve the problem of collecting potential customers' data for any online merchants. On the white background, the colourful box of Create your account absolutely stands out. These eye-attracting social network icons such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin make any visitors focus on this information inside the yellow box. This is an effective and quick way for the customers to leave their valuable contact by a click. They also have another and class way to sign up is entering their information such as username, email, and create a password. This Sign Up codepen is super effective for online sellers to make their shops outstanding. Everything you need to do is install this amazing tool now.

Day 001 Login Form by

Customers sometimes find it time-consuming to log in to the shop's web site, but with this login form, they will never worry about it. The background of the template is designed in gray, the special login section with a blurred city image, which appears to be the fill out the form of the customer, looks very attractive and professional. Customers will choose `Sign in` mode for those who already have an account and Sign up for people who do not yet have. Besides, customers who have logged in once will save the information in the future, and just press the Sign button located in the green box, in addition, if they forget the password they will get back when Click on the "forgot password" text. You certainly always attract customers with this template, which is an exact choice for you!

Flat Login Form UI by

You do not need to search far for an input form that satisfies your needs to attract customers, this template will not disappoint you. White and light gray are the two main colors of the template, the middle gray background is the space for customers, there are two options: login and sign up for new members, when clicking on which option it will be shifted to a lighter color. Below will be the section where customers enter personal information, the login button has been designed prominently in blue. In addition, customers can just log in once by clicking the "keep me sign in" button and can completely retrieve the password when clicking "forgot password". You will never regret installing it! Install now!

Log In Form CSS 2017 by

With the codepen Log In Form CSS 2017 of Omar Dsooky, online sellers can not only increase the number of customers signing up but also boost customer satisfaction and future sales. The appearance of this codepen is so eye-attracting with two main colours pink and blue. There is a welcome message or an explanation of the login form. The container is divided into two parts with these colours too. The login text is capitalized clearly and there are two items of username and password in the form. For the newcomers, they also can choose to Sign Up button on the bottom of the form. Moreover, the icon of eye allows the register to Show/Hide the password. This codepen is fantastic, is not it? Let's try it now.

Login Form by

The number of customers visiting your site is more or less dependent on the design of your login page. Darshan Rajadhyaksha has helped online sellers by creating this useful application. At a glance, we have seen the interface is very eye-catching and easily accessible to anyone. The blurred background behind the image of the sunset, the middle of the most important is the login for the members, including three main steps is to enter the name, password and then login. For those who do not have an account, at the bottom there is an account registration. Great is the right word for this product, and what is the reason why you are wondering about installing it?

Login form by

You are looking for a modern and professional login form to attract your customers, please refer to the following excellent application. The background of the pattern is designed to be darker and lighter from the outside to the center. The first line of text that stands out when looking at it is the New project designed specifically with green and white colors. The red text below warns users in case they misspell or forget information. The important part immediately below is the boxes for recording user information. Login text is placed in the green button so it is easy to recognize, users can completely save their information by clicking the button next to the words remember me. A very professional input form for you. Let's install immediately and do not hesitate anything!

Login form by

You like the professional, beautiful and attractive login form. Meda Hany will make you satisfied with the template you are looking for. At a glance, we see a professional model with a background of a computer being coded in computer terminology, if you like IT, you probably will not be able to ignore it. Prominent in the center of the form is a box that is the location that users are most interested in, the first two columns will be information on the username and password, the bottom column is the white login button placed in the black button. It stands out more. Install and feel its effectiveness right now.

Roll Out Reveal Login Form by

Simple and effective is what we can feel from the first time we look at the input form designed by Hugo DarbyBrown. The background is set with a striking blue color, evoking a sense of freshness and freshness, and the center is a white circle containing a closed lock and the login button. Therefore, if you want to log in, users have to take one more step to click on the `LOGIN` icon, the design is considered professional by the automatically translated language on the language box. Do you see any disadvantages from this login form? Definitely not, let you get it to your store and enjoy it.

Toggle Login Form by

Your shop is not attracting many customers, do not worry and the design from Flkt Crnpio will be a great solution for you. A full-size the picture in the background. This picture as a beautiful view of with a lantern It is so that on the red button at the center of the page When they click to the Login, the Log in box appears and blurring animation that helps visitors can stay focus on the form only There are some functionalities in the form such as username and password. There are no great options like this, install and feel the benefits it brings.

Animated Login Form v1 by

You want to have a unique style by using a special login form to attract customers, the design of Adam Kimmerer will completely satisfy you. The template is designed with two main colors: find background and white options. Unlike the other models, first, we will see the words "Have you met" with three options: yes, no and I'm not sure. When customers select different buttons, they will lead them to different forms. It sounds a bit complicated, but it will definitely make customers very remember about your shop. In this form, customers mainly use their email to log in. A great template and bringing it to the store is your right choice.

CSS-Only Accessible Floating Labels Advanced Version by

This CSS-Only Accessible Floating Labels Advanced Version is a product of Pablo Eugenio Lujambio Martinez. He wants to provide you with unique features and look for your website. This form has a background of light pink. Moreover, there is a background image of the beautiful sunset on the mountain in the form, which is so stunning. The form just requires the basic information: email, password so that the shoppers just need a minute to log in. When moving the mouse to the Log in button, this button gets floating up and down, which attracts any visitors. Let's choose this amazing tool for your form design and do not waste your time to install it.

Daily UI by

Marco Biedermann was successful in creating a stunning CodePen which is named Daily UI | #001 - Sign Up helps any sellers to engage their customers to sign up on the website. The combination with colours black and grey make the page as multiple layers. Moreover, the aligns the colour of the background helps the box with the thick borders stand out. Especially, on the box, there is a green droplet shape and the capitalized grey text of SIGN UP. In addition, there are examples for the registers so that they feel easy to enter their emails and form the passwords. Another option is when they already have an account continue by underlined text `Log in`. With the amazing features of this codepen, online merchants enable boosting the number of potential customers. Let's install this tool now for your shops.

Daily UI by

Without any coding knowledge, eCommerce entrepreneurs can attract more and more customers to their shops with valuable contact for future sales just by a codepen Daily UI #001 Sign Up. When visitors come to the website, they will be attracted by a welcome text Hello There! The subtitle of "We're almost done. Before using our services, you need to create an account" to encourage them to continue to leave their contact. The information that they need to fill in inputs such as Username, Email and Password. It is special by link with Facebook so that it just needs a click to sign up instead. Do not hesitate to install this amazing codepen for your shops. You will be surprised by how much sales you will earn from it.

Dark Login Form by

Castles, beauties, `Login`, and `SignUp` are what we see more prominently in the template of Hazem Ashraf. A very sophisticated and impressive design for anyone. Unlike other templates with user information placed in small boxes, with this input form the background of the template is dark, but the author is subtle in that the login will need to take one more step. Click on the word login placed in the middle of the screen, next to it will be the SignUp option for customers who do not have an account. Let's consider installing it as one of the right choices for your store!

Login Form by

A unique product from Alex, a very simple and convenient product for online sellers, helps attract customers through account registration. Login-Form's background is designed in a matte color that looks very appealing to anyone when the first looking at it, in the middle is a large frame consisting of three small frames from the top is Username, password and `login` associated with colors such as green dark, green light, and grey light. Finally, the option to help users recover their password in case of forgotten. Is a product very easy and useful to use? What are you waiting for without installing it right now?

Login Form Animation by

The Login Form Animation is such a stunning tool for any visitors to call their customers to be their fans. The shadows around the box which allow this box is stand out on the background. On the box, The colour of this part is the mixture of pink and purple. The call to action texts such as "Show us your creative side" with the font size 36 is eye-attracting. Underneath is the text "Join the Community". There is a text transition, which makes them floating on the left side. When clicking to the button, the login form falls down. With the background pinky, the user and password in black. Besides, there is a Sign-Up button that allows the new customers can become a member of them. Just by a click to install, do not waste your time to boost your customer's conversion as well as your sales.

Login Form by

In order to make a difference and help online sellers attract customers, Ramze Jarad has designed a login form to solve that problem. Various tones of blue color are using in this input form such as dark, medium and light blue. The image of the snowman is so and cute stunning, with this form, most users use their email to log in. Especially, when the users click to the Username the character also moves. The snowman looks at this. Or when you click to password, he tries not to see your password. That is so great `Log in` template. Taking it to the store is an option that many people will support you.

login form materialize by

Some customers leave the website of the shop because the login form is not professional and helpful, if you are confused, please use this login form to attract more customers. The background of the white design template, in the middle, is the information-filling box for customers, including a very awkward shape to create excitement for customers, below is the fill in the username information. After the password has been entered, the customer will receive the Login button placed in a pretty green box. The special thing is that this template is designed in a language that is suitable for customers' language, so it's easy for customers to use. There is definitely no reason for you to be hesitant about installing it, right?

Login form by

Not as complicated as other templates, Rune Sejer Hoffmann's input template is quite simple, so it's easy to use with any online sellers. The login form is designed simply with the main background in white and stands out as a gray login box. The white login text in the box helps the user know where to log in, and the login text below in the small red button helps the user to log in after completing the username and password above. Despite its simple design, this template is suitable for many kinds of users. Don't spend any time thinking about it, install it right away for your website.

Login Form ( Only CSS ) by

Are you worry that you do not know how to code? With Login Form ( Only CSS ), you can easily customize your customer's shopping experiences by bringing an amazing login form. The background colour is light pink so that the blue box is so outstanding. The size of the box is small on the top of the page. On the box, the white spaces allow the users to enter their NAME, EMAIL. Besides, there is an animation that helps the text move from the left to the right floating when they visit the page when they click to two buttons Sign In and Register under of the bottom of the box. The Sign In form just requires the users to enter the username and password. The Register page with the name and email with iconic easy to recognize. You can not deny this amazing tool for your shops. Let's install it immediately!

login/signup form animation by

Shayan is an expert in designing of CodePen. One of his best pens is the login/signup form animation. You will be surprised by this amazing tool. This code pen's background is a gradient colour so that the Dark Blue background in the form can be stood out. Moreover, the background image of a chair and this picture position is on the left side. There are two-parts like Sign Up and Log in which have two different colours blue and white, respectively. If the customers are newcomers, they can easily sign up with three main fields on the site are Name, Email and Password. When moving the mouse to the login button, the Log in blurring text is getting clearer while the white button becomes black. With this tool, any online shoppers will be willing to leave their contact when clicking into your website, so that let's install it now.

react login form dark material design by

Customers sometimes appreciate the professionalism of your store through the login form, but you do not need to worry, you can refer to this form from Naturalclar. The background is used black to make the main highlights stand out. The top is the cleverly designed Logo line, and right below is `Login` to help customers identify where to log in. Next will be the fill in the name, email, password, and after completing it, customers can click on the Login button placed in a highlighted red box. The highlight is that when you click on the information box, it will turn into a recognizable red color. In addition, customers will not worry about losing their password because below has "forgot password" to help customers retrieve it. Let's show the shop's professionalism through the installation of this template.

Sign In Button and Form by

Sign In Button and Form was designed as an effective tool to help online sellers attract more customers to leave their information. With blue button on a white background, it will make you feel like so boring a first. But when you click to `Sign In` button in the middle of the page, you will surprise with its animation. All the page is covered by the stunning blue colour. Moreover, the structure of this form is so clear with multiple lines. In addition, the texts are in white, so they are eye-attracted on the background. The `GO` button is a call to action button to encourage customers to do the next steps. This codepen will bring the users with the best login experience. Why don't you make your customers satisfied with all this amazing tool? Let's install it now.

The prismatic forms by

The tool that allows the users to collect more valuable information as well as attract more customers is The prismatic forms. The classic white background makes every text and other colours so stunning. With various fonts that the author using such as Tahoma, Verdana, Segoe, sans-serif; the information in this codepen is so clear for any visitors. Especially, the prism transformations make everything so attractive and it seems to work as preserve-3d with the thank you message. In order to show the contact form, you click “Contact us”. After you click, a contact form is shown. Do you like this form? Let's add the form to your site right now.

Transparent Login Form with HTML and CSS by

There are many ways for your site to attract more customers, one of which is using a cool and natural login form designed by FrankieDoodie. The picture image of a forest with the sunlight is so beautiful. The animation of blurring that helps the users to focus their customers on the form in the middle of the page. The anime of a head with the text on the form "Log In Here" is so impressive for any visitors border-box makes it so stunning too Password requires that "Must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters" The rounded Log in button on the form is so attractive for them to click to. Don't waste time thinking; instead, take it to your store.

Transparent Login Form by

Make sure to the shop owners that anyone looking at the login form designed by Zeboudj will be convinced and remember about your shop. The background is a picture of the special pebbles, highlighted by a lovely orange butterfly, which looks very eye-catching. Customer input is blurred in a box, so the image behind it is not obscured. After entering the username and password information, they will click the SIGN IN button located in the purple box. In addition, they will not worry about losing their password because the "forgot password" section has helped them recover their password. Make customers remember and always come back to your store by bringing this form to the store.

Unfolding Login Form by

There are many reasons for customers to leave your shop without coming back, but with a template designed by Andy Zhou, customers will always remember your shop. The background of the template is designed in white and in the middle is the most impressive space. The blue box has a more opaque upper and lower part, the top of the box has a black circle of eyes and the bottom is a lock shape to help customers feel secure, below is the information entry and press the nose button. The name will lead to your shop. Let's help your shop attract customers by installing this template.

Wavy login form by

Finding something special for your shops that makes any online shoppers want to stay and leave their contact, this Wavy login form can help you. The first expression when you come to this codepen is so attractive and hot. The red fire background is so stunning. And in the middle of this background, there is a Login form that is covered by three main colours white, red and blue. In contrast with the heat from the background, the animation of blue wave moving from left bottom to right up of the box makes us feel so refreshing. Moreover, the login button is outstanding with the white texts on the red button. This beautiful codepen can bring unique feelings for viewers, so do not waste time anymore. Install it now!

How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Login Forms examples list

These above 32 CSS Login Forms examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:

  • The ratings on CSS Examples
  • The css’s rank on search engines
  • The prices and features
  • The css provider’s reputation
  • Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
  • Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce

Top 32+ CSS Login Forms Examples

Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 32 CSS Login Forms examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Login Forms for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.

The list of the best 32 CSS Login Forms examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.

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