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CSS Contact Forms Examples 2025

  • Author
    Sam Thomas

25+ Best CSS Contact Forms Examples from hundreds of the CSS Contact Forms reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Contact Forms does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Contact Forms css collection is ranked and result in March 25, 2025. You can find free CSS Contact Forms examples or alternatives to CSS Contact Forms also.

Contact Form by

Are you finding a form to let customer write their note on? This Contact Form will provide you a professional form with gentle design. This form is created from a picture. The background is arranged clean enough for customers to see the question. There is 3 information that customers have to fill in such as a personal name, email and personal experience. However, the background is brown so it is hard for us to see the words or even write in because the color of words is light white. Therefore, after download, you should change the color to see it more clear.

Floating Contact Form CSS by

Floating Contact Form CSS is suitable for websites that need creativity and engagement for visitors. The floating contact form helps to gain more users’ personal information. The floating contact form CSS includes three basic pieces of information: your name, email and message. The form uses three main colors consisting of pink, purple and orange. If you would like to create a contact form that is not boring, but an interesting pop-up form, Floating contact CSS is a great choice. Why don’t you download and add the floating contact form CSS to your site? You will get an amazing conversion rate as well as improve the website design.

UI Challenge - Day 9 - Contact Us by

UI Challange - Day 9 - Contact us, like its name, focus on the UI of the contact form. This template is more formal and suitable for any organization that would like to improve the brand identity. The form allows you to get visitors’ personal information like name, email, contact number, contact number and message. Besides, you can show your company’s telephone number so, potential customers can contact your team to seek the consultancy. The template is simple but looks professional because it uses two main colors which are pink and grey. If you are looking for a contact form that is simple but modern, do not ignore UI Challenge - Day 9 - Contact Us.

DailyUI028 Contact Form by

DailyUI028 Contact Form is a formal form designed for companies specialized in a variety of fields because of its neat and modern design. The contact form has three main parts: name, email and message. These parts are not put in a box, but you enter your information on a line. Besides, the form allows managers to inset company’s phone number and email address. Therefore, visitors can easily contact directly in emergency cases. The font is sans serif so, it looks modern and suitable for any themes. If you wonder which form you should use, DailyUI028 Contact Form should be considered. Download and add it to your website now!

Vintage Inspired Contact Form by

Vintage Inspired Contact Form like its name gets the inspiration from vintage design. Despite the vintage style, it still brings to the modernist to visitors. This type of form is suitable for all websites. The contact form uses a unique title “Keep in touch” which creates the friendliness for users. The form has five parts: name, email address, telephone number, subject line, and message. The creator chooses a slight and sans serif font. Thanks to the subject line, the manager can save much time on catching the main point of the message. Furthermore, under the form’s title, there is a symbol of a telephone. If you are a fan of vintage, why don’t you add this template to your website? It may help you access to a large number of potential users.

Minimalistic form by

Minimalistic form focuses on the minimalist style. It is a simple form that you can easily add to your website with any themes. Minimalistic form is designed plainly with three main parts: name, email, and message. These pieces of information are put in square boxes. The font is capitalized and simple. The template use one color - grey - which is associated with formal and conservative. Besides, at the bottom of the form, instead of the “send” button, the “go” button helps to encourage visitors to send their message. What is your opinion about Minimalistic form? If you like it, you should add it now to your website.

Full CSS Drop Down Contact Form by

Full CSS Drop Down Contact Form is an interesting template for a lot of websites. You can edit color to fit with your theme. The contact form is short and simple. The main color of this template is pink but, you can change and choose the color that you like. This template just includes one part only: message. Senders enter their message and just click “Send” button. The “Send” button is replaced by an image of a letter. In general, this form is simple and easy-to-use. Do you like Full CSS Drop Down Contact Form? If yes, let’s download the contact form now and add it to your website.

Contact form modal by

Contact form modal is created by Ann Lee who is recognized as a professional coder. The form attracts visitors with amazing animation and modernized font. The template uses interesting transition effects. At first glance, we only see a line “get in touch”. After you click that line, a contact form will float in. This contact form is designed simply, consisting of first name, last name and email. After you fill in all your information, you click “Submit”, then your information is sent to the managers. What do you think about Contact form modal? You like it, you get it and use it on your website.

Contact form by

Contact form, created by Jordi Marcillo, is suitable for engineering websites. The template is designed vividly, then easily attracts a lot of visitors. Contact form is made, especially for companies that are selling gas. The template has a man working for a company called Gas Natural. Besides, there is a machine that measures the ratio of gas. The contact form is attached at the bottom of the template. The form uses Spanish, but you can modify it to another language. The form includes five parts: your name, telephone number, email, location, and notes. Your company is targeting a gas-related product, isn’t it? If yes, you should add the contact form to your website now.

Contact Form by

Contact form, designed by Charles Loges IV, is a modern form for any company selling any products or providing any services. The contact form has a big title called “Let’s talk”. This title expresses the friendliness and willingness to listen to your message. The form consists of three parts: your name, email and message which is written in a question “what can we help you with?”. After you fill the form, you click “Send” button. This template is simple and easy-to-you. All you need to do is to add it to your website and get more contacts from visitors. Don’t hesitate, try it now.

Simple contact form layout for a project by

Simple contact form layout for a project, like its name, is created for websites relating to books. You can add this form anywhere on your website. The template is designed professionally and creatively. You can add a photo background. Under the title, you can also add a short paragraph to introduce the purpose of the form and/or give brief information about your organization. The form includes four parts: first name, last name, type of book choice and phone number. If you are selling books online, you should add this contact form immediately. The contact form is made for you. Download it now!

Basic HTML & CSS Contact Form by

Basic HTML & CSS Contact Form is designed professionally with detailed information for managers to know about the senders. This form can be used for any company or any themes. The contact form is coded in HTML and CSS language, hence it is easy for you to add it to your website. The form includes five parts: first name, gender, email, password and birthday. Before you click “Sign Me Up!”, you should read through the term and policy. After you read the term, you tick and subscribe successfully. You love this simple but professional theme. Why don’t you add Basic HTML and CSS contact form? Your website will look more attractive.

Contact form by

Contact form by cupofjoe is a unique and simple contact form. This form can be added to any organization or any themes. The information part is set on the right hand and the image is on the left hand. The form includes three main sections: name, email and message. This background is set permanently; however, it is easy to fit with any themes. After you click “Send”, your message will be sent to the manager of that organization. If you like the background and love the simple design, you should consider Contact form. You add it and your website will look more stunning.

Simple contact form by

Simple contact form is outstanding from other contact forms because the form is put in a red circle. If you love something that is unique and catchy, the form should be in your shortlist. Simple contact form has a grey background. On that background, a contact form is put in a red circle, which make the template more interesting. This form only contains two parts: email and message. After you fill in the form, you click “Send” to send your message. Are you impressed with this contact form? Do you love the design? If you say yes, you should add it now to your website and make your site more attractive.

Advanced Material Design Contact by

Advanced Material Design Contact provides a smart design to websites. This template brings to a new amaze for anyone using it. This template has three colors to identify three different functions. The purple represents the contact form, the green appears when your form is sent successfully and the red appears when something wrong happens. The contact form includes three parts: name, email, and message. Besides, this template also has a background image. Do you like Advances Material Design Contact? Yes, don’t hesitate to add it to your website. Your site will look so interesting.

Responsive CSS 3D Contact Form by

The designed contact form is created for websites that would like to increase the subscription. This contact form is designed under CSS 3D so, it is a creative and unique contact form to get the visitor’s engagement. The 3D contact form includes personal information like name, email, and Q&A part. Your information is stored on colorful rectangular blocks. It is because of the 3D design, these blocks are placed in multi-direction. At the bottom of the form, a Submit button is highlighted to make your form more interesting. Thanks to the 3D design, users will feel excited when filling this form and therefore, you can increase the user experience on your website. Let’s try Responsive CSS 3D Contact Form to add the unique and interesting look to your website.

Contact us form - frontend by

Contact us form - frontend makes a deep impression with visitors with the minimal design. The form is suitable for websites selling products for men such as watches, shoes, cravats or clothes. The contact us form uses one main color (grey) which is associated with formal and conservative. The structure of the form has four parts: name, email, phone number and message. Besides, under the title, a call-to-action sentence helps to bring better user experience when they fill the form. The sentence shows the hospitality and readiness to welcome all user’s messages. What about Contact us form - frontend? Try it now and share about your feedback.

Contact us form with animation by

Contact us form with animation impresses you with a lovely design and interesting animation. This template is made for websites or landing pages that target young audiences. The form is designed with hand-writing typography. The word “Contact us” is created with a beautiful and modern font, which is suitable for girly stuff or a lovely event. The template looks like a small note you send to organizers or the company’s owners. The contact form has three parts including “message”, “your name” and “your email”. The most interesting in the form is that after you click “send” button, the form is folded and put in a letter. The animation may amaze users. How do you think about Contact us form with animation? Simple but interesting, download it now!

Contact form by

Contact form by Jinu is a detailed and formal version that allows visitors to contact directly with managers. This form is made for those who would like to collaborate with your team or feedback about your service. The form’s title is “Tell us what you think”, which helps visitors feel friendly and welcome when sending messages. The form includes pieces of information like your name, email, and tell us everything. After you fill in the form, you click “SUBMIT MESSAGE” and your message will be sent successfully. Do you like the design of Contact form? Yes, download the form now and add it to your website. It will help your site more professional.

Contact Form by

If you love purple, Contact form created by canburak1992 is a great option. You can see your favorite color and add it to your website to increase traffic. This contact form looks simple with three main parts: username, telephone, and email. You are impressed by the lovely purple background designed with modern typography. The purpose of this form is to help visitors create an account. Your information is not put in a box but, it is put in a straight line. How about Contact Form? Lovely purple, simple design? If yes, add it now to your website. You will see interesting transformation on your site.

3D Contact Form by

3D Contact form is a simple and minimalist form that you can insert it to any website to collect more users’ information. The 3D Contact form only helps you get users’ email addresses. You enter your email in the box and click a symbol of an arrow. It is an easy-to-use form and your visitors just drop their email addresses. Thanks to these email addresses, you can easily send your newsletters to your customers. You love this template, you would like to add it to your website? All you need to do is to copy the code to your web program.

Contact form design by

Contact form design provides you a unique look for your website. This form has a background image of a forest of bamboo. If you love bamboo, use the form now. In order to show the contact form, you click “Contact us”. After you click, a contact form is shown. The form includes detailed information: first name, last name, email, location and message. Before you send your message, you tick the two sentences to show that you do agree with the term and regulation. Do you like this form? Do you want to add the form to your site? Don’t waste your time on considering options, let’s choose Contact form design.

Contact Form Task by

Contact Form Task provides you a place for customers to write their notes. This simple form will make them comfortable when avoiding request too many questions. The information that customers have to fill in so simple such as their name, address, email. It won't take you too much time to write. Moreover, the design of a form is the decision component whether customers pleased with the form. This Contact form task allows people to fill all questions. If not, they can't submit the form. The background is beautiful with mint color and white. If you liked the design of this form, you should download it.

Css Contact Form by

The Css Contact Form allows you to give a login form. With special design, this form will attract the first please sight of customers. This login form has 2 main color black and white. The form requires users to fill in the name and password. These form doesn't require an email so users can feel privately. If users forgot their password, they can click on "forgot password" to take further step to take back their information. Besides, this form provides a comfortable experience with the slogan "Get in touch with us". This form is appropriate for you to create a page. If you are planning to make an account, you should take this form.

Rock and roll Contact Form by

This Rock and roll Contact Form provides a place to leave users' messages. With a design of rock and roll, this form will make users have the feeling of freedom when filling in the box. This form doesn't require people to reveal much information. So users don't have to hesitate to write their experience with products, their recommendation or compain. Besides, each part doesn't fix the requirement to fill, so you can be anonymous to send recommendation. After sending, you can back the page to write another. So if you are interested in this form, let's download the Rock and roll Contact Form.

How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Contact Forms examples list

These above 25 CSS Contact Forms examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:

  • The ratings on CSS Examples
  • The css’s rank on search engines
  • The prices and features
  • The css provider’s reputation
  • Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
  • Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce

Top 25+ CSS Contact Forms Examples

Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 25 CSS Contact Forms examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Contact Forms for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.

The list of the best 25 CSS Contact Forms examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.

Don’t see your css on the list? Wanna contribute more content to this review? Contact us

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