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CSS Close Buttons Examples 2025

  • Author
    Sam Thomas

17+ Best CSS Close Buttons Examples from hundreds of the CSS Close Buttons reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Close Buttons does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Close Buttons css collection is ranked and result in February 12, 2025. You can find free CSS Close Buttons examples or alternatives to CSS Close Buttons also.

animated close icon by

To make your site more professional, adding this animated close icon is a great suggestion for you. It adorns your website's appearance and makes the visitors impressed. As everyone knows, the letter X represents the close button. Therefore, this one is no exception. It is shown with the initial orange X. Especially, when the viewer points the cursor to it, it will turn into a lovely pink X immediately. Also, there's a small word close below this X. It will catch your visitors' eyes and make them feel interested. Let take a try on this close icon to take your website to the next level.

Close Animation by

It would be awesome if your website has an amazing close button like this one. It looks quite simple but still attractive to your visitors. With the appearance of the X representing the close button, it gives a deep meaning. It expresses the desire your viewers will come back. Also, it shows your professionalism in web design because of taking care of a small detail like the close button. When viewers hover the close button, an interesting and unique animation will appear. Thanks to this, your close button looks very sophisticated and modern. Start to add this great close button to your website by getting it instantly.

Open / Close Button Animation by

If you expect an amazing open or close button, this one can surely meet your requirements and make your customers love it. Especially, it can play both open and close button roles. When it is presented as a close button, it shows a down arrow on an attractive background. This beautiful arrow is 40px long and 40px wide, which fits your website so well. The white color of the arrow and the purple of the background make the button stand out. Furthermore, when the visitors tap on the button, it appears a close button. This close button will surely catch the viewers' eyes at first glance because it is designed modernly and sophisticatedly. Furthermore, the blue background makes them feel comfortable and attracted. Take a try on this great button to see how useful it is.

Open / Close button animation by

If you are looking for a cool and creative close button, this button can match your preference. Furthermore, it can be an open button also. As an open button, it is shown with three parallel black thick lines. This button will be a circle with a white background. The combination of white and black creates an attractive contrast that makes viewers pay attention to it. Thanks to this, the viewer is encouraged to open it. When viewers tap on the button, a close button will appear. When it is a close button, it shows a black X. It is as eye-catching and attractive as the open button. Get this awesome button instantly to experience its utilities.

A simple but interactive close button by

You will be very pleased with this close button because it brings a lot of benefits. It not only brings beauty to your website but also encourages viewers to come back at the earliest possible time. The close button is an X with a circle around it. It has the main color is orange, bringing vividness and charm. However, when the viewer hovers it, the "X" will turn blue. This creates a contrast, making the close button stand out. When viewers experience it, they will be captivated and impressed. Inspire your viewers to encourage them to engage with your website by installing this close button.

Back To Close by Ste by

A close button needs your attention because when viewers leave, it's the last thing they look at. So, to inspire them to come back or impress them, try using this wonderful close button. This close button has two main parts which are text and an icon. The text which is "Click it, it's awesome! :)" is cute. It is like a call to the viewer to click the button. Below the text is an icon in the form of an X. When viewers are encouraged to tap on it, an arrow icon to the left will appear. This transition will bring excitement to viewers. Get this amazing button now to bring some coolness to your website.

Close button by

An interesting close button can be a great motivator for viewers to come back. Therefore, try using a professionally designed close button like this one. With a simple-looking appearance, this close button works very well. It was shaped like a yellow X in the beginning. When viewers look at it, they will feel noble and elegant with such colors. In particular, when they hover this X, it will quickly turn into two parallel lines and display the meaningful text in the middle as "Back". Viewers will be extremely surprised and interested. They understand you want them to return to your site. Get viewers attracted to how you want to show your desire by installing this close button.

Pure CSS Close buttons by

If you have a desire that more viewers will come back to your site, take care of the close button. This kind of close button can help you to fulfill your hope thanks to its flexibility and graceful beauty. You will have more than one choice because this gives you 3 different transition types that are all useful and attractive. They have the same appearance as an X and the white circle border. Besides, the background will be gray to make the X and the border stand out. They have 3 types of transitions which are zoom shrink, zoom invert and spin. Viewers will find them creative and interesting. Try out this close button to take advantage of its wonderful benefits.

Pure CSS close icon by

If you are looking for an ideal close button but expect lots of choices, this one is definitely for you. It provides you with numerous different close buttons. You will feel satisfied when you have so many options to meet your requirements. These close buttons are extremely quality. They have in common the shape of the letter X and are black. However, their differences are shown in lines. They are divided into major groups like hairline, pointy, rounded, blades, warp, and fat. These close buttons are attractive to viewers by their unique and cool beauty. Start to use this amazing close button by installing it now.

Close Button "X" to "–" by

Viewers will surely be impressed and engage with your website if you use this great close button. This close button has an extremely elegant and beautiful appearance. It displays an X with a thin white line on a fanciful purple background. It can make a great impression on the visitors and encourage them to come back early if they tap on the close button to leave. Moreover, when they hover the button, it will change from the X to the minus sign. This change is quick and ingenious enough to make viewers surprised and fascinated. Let get this amazing close button to adorn your website's beauty.

Close button by

As a shop owner, you must hope that your customer still wants to come back even if they press the close button to leave. So adding this awesome close button would be an ideal way. When you add this close button to your website, it will blow a fresh and lively breeze. This makes your site more prominent and attractive. In particular, when viewers tap on this close button, they are inspired to come back again as soon as possible. The transformation from the X into the word close is a special highlight for this close button. Let use this wonderful close button by installing it right now.

Open / Close by

If you are looking for a suitable open or close button, this one must be an ideal choice. Thanks to this, you don't have to waste time searching for open and close buttons. It can play both open and close button roles. In other words, this great button is 2-in-1. As an open button, it displays a white circumflex. In particular, it is presented on a green background, looks cool and attractive. Otherwise, the close button appears with the X sign which is in the pink background. The visitors must feel extremely comfortable and satisfied with this display. Install this open/close button to enjoy the wonderful things.

Close Button by

This close button is an amazing one that can match your preference. With this button, you can make a big impression on the viewers. This close button looks very new and eye-catching. It creates a modern feel for the viewers. It is displayed with a white X on a black background. This creates a contrast to catch the visitors' eyes right at first glance. Furthermore, when the viewer points the cursor at the button, the X will rotate smoothly into a minus sign. This transformation will surprise and fascinate viewers. Let's install this close button to improve your customers' experience.

Information to Close Button & Dialog Animation by

If your website needs information or close button, this one will perfectly suitable for your website. It is called "Information to close button & Dialog Animation". Like the name, this amazing button in charge of two functions of two types of buttons which is information and close buttons. At first, it shows up with an "i" stand for information icon with a circular border. When the viewer clicks on that button, it will quickly switch to the "x" representing the close button. This convenience will make you satisfied. In particular, viewers will certainly enjoy it. Let take advantage of this button by installing it instantly.

close-button by

One of the most effective solutions to encourage viewers to return to your site is to use an interesting close button. This one is highly recommended for you. When viewers look at this button, they will find it extremely subtle and eye-catching. The letter X in the middle of the button is highlighted in green, which creates a unique and attractive look. Furthermore, the border around the letter X will also make a strong impression. It has a shiny white color, which twinkles beautifully. Its transitions are also very attractive, making it difficult for viewers to take their eyes off. Get this awesome button to make your website more professional.

Close button by

You will be satisfied with the wonderful benefits this close button brings. It not only has an eye-catching look but also has a great attraction. When you first look at it, there is a small green "X" displayed on the white circle-shaped background. The color matches the lines so perfectly that makes the close button outstanding and appealing. The visitors will feel cool and comfortable thanks to the elegant beauty it has. If they point their cursor to the button, the small "X" will turn into a bigger one to look clearer and more detail. Also, the colors will be changed. This can draw the customers' attention and inspire them to engage with your website. Let start to use this awesome button by getting it instantly.

Simple Close Button Animation by

This simple close button animation can be perfectly suited to your website. You can take advantage of its simplicity and modernity to satisfy customers. It is a circle button with a white background. In particular, this circle has a hazy and attractive gray shadow. In the middle of this circle button is an X representing the word close. It has thick lines, creating a sense of certainty and clarity. When viewers hover this button, the letter X will rotate gently and quickly counterclockwise. After rotating a circle, it will stop with the original X but with red. This surprises the viewer and impresses them. Don't hesitate to install this amazing button right now.

How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Close Buttons examples list

These above 17 CSS Close Buttons examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:

  • The ratings on CSS Examples
  • The css’s rank on search engines
  • The prices and features
  • The css provider’s reputation
  • Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
  • Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce

Top 17+ CSS Close Buttons Examples

Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 17 CSS Close Buttons examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Close Buttons for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.

The list of the best 17 CSS Close Buttons examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.

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