43+ Best CSS Calendars Examples from hundreds of the CSS Calendars reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Calendars does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Calendars css collection is ranked and result in March 24, 2025. You can find free CSS Calendars examples or alternatives to CSS Calendars also.
Daily CSS Images | 09 | Calendar by
Daily CSS Images | 09 | Calendar is a professional calendar with a simple look for those who are looking for calendar designs, generated by the author Alex Johnson.
This calendar is carefully designed with a beige background. It looks quite simple. Moreover, the calendar has a white-green template and simple but attractive font. Like other examples of calendar on CSS, Daily CSS Images | 09 | Calendar allows users to mark their special events by creating them on the calendar. Especially, the calendar is super attractive to those who have a strong personality and love simplicity.
After all, let take a try on CSS example of the calendar to drive more visitors to your website.
Calendar Plan - Tasks Events App by
If you’re looking for a calendar that makes your site more professional and eye-catching, this Calendar Plan - Tasks Events App #DailyPractice is an ideal choice.
Presented with simple box of plan with a rectangular-shaped contour, this calendar is perfectly suitable to highlight certain plans on your website. In particular, this calendar is sorted in the latest events which were set up with date and time together. Thanks to this, users can have a better experience while surfing your calendar.
Let get this amazing example to encourage your visitors to engage with your website.
CSS grid calendar by
This wonderful calendar which is created by Mert Cukuren will satisfy both of you and your visitors. It makes your website looks cooler and prettier.
You will see how amazing it is when you take a view of it. Its design is super unique and beautiful. With the simple white background and clear font, this example of the calendar allows you to design the text on each date in the calendar. Like other CSS examples of calendars, the CSS grid calendar draws users' attention and make them feel excited.
Get this calendar instantly to take your website to the next level.
CSS Grid Calendar by
If your site needs colors and transitions, this example of a calendar is one of the ideal ways to do it.
This calendar is designed to display in a square contour. The special thing about it is the harmonious color with an attractive transition. Plenty of colors from warm to cold tones blend very well. Also, the way they move and change is extremely clever and smooth. Looking at the amazing calendar, your visitors will feel like they are looking at a rainbow, and they must be super excited. Furthermore, it also marks important days so users couldn't miss it.
Great as this calendar is, why don't you take a try on it now?
bootstrap compatable calendar by
If your website needs simplicity and sophistication, then this bootstrap compatable calendar can be an awesome suggestion for you.
Designed by Bill Barry in the idea of a simple but professional example, this calendar gives the visitors pleasant and complete feelings. Moreover, when you use this app, you are enabled to mark all your crucial events and tasks. So whenever you click on the date, the box of reminders will pop up to suggest you.
Let start to add this awesome calendar to your website as soon as possible.
Light & Dark Calendar by
Calendar plays an important role in your website’s appearance. Many websites look quite simple and monotonic without a calendar. Hence, let catch your customers’ eyes by getting a pretty and cool example of a calendar like this.
This Light & Dark Calendar looks clear with three main colors black, white, and pink. Your customers will find it super comfortable and easy-to-look by adding their important plans. Especially, users are able to add text and full of information about the events such as dates, time and what the plans are.
Take a try on this awesome calendar to make your website more beautiful and attractive.
Calendar by
Calendar will help make the looking of your website more complete. Therefore, adding an attractive calendar like this one will help you make a great impression on your customers.
The design of this calendar by B8bop is extremely eye-catching and delicate. Highlighted by two gentle red and white color, it makes viewers impossible to take their eyes off the calendar you present. Its simplicity and modern style also gives views the pleasant felling and easier to follow.
After all, why are you hesitating of making decision to get this wonderful calendar for your website and see how great it is.
Calendar in ReactJs by
You can make use of this wonderful and intelligent calendar to adorn your website more beautiful and attractive to your customers.
This kind of calendar is unique and attractive, it has a rectangular frame with a blue background. More special, when you click on the symbol at the bottom of the calendar, you are allowed to take note about your tasks, images or anything you want. This will remind you of the important dates and tasks. This makes viewers excited because it not only brings modernity but also brings a highlight and remarkable for your website.
On top of all, more customers are coming to your website while you are using this simple but effective calendar. Let take a try on it.
Day 11 - Calendar Card by
If your site needs more colors and transitions, this Day 11 - Calendar Card is one of the ideal ways to do it.
Designed by Arnelle Balane, this calendar is one of the most special example of calendar in CSS. Unlike the rectangular designs of other calendar, this is made up of many circles in the middle that looks like a clock. It ranges from dates, time and events that are important to you. So you will never miss crucial tasks. Moreover, viers will tend to expect to be able to visit your site and see the calendar.
Just with a simple click, you can set this calendar for your page and make your visitors impressed by your professionalism. Don’t hesitate to do it now.
Example React Calendar App by
This type of Example React Calendar App is perfectly tailored for you to use on travel part of your website. You can take advantage of it for any kind of website as it is flexible and customizable.
Unlike other usual kinds of calendar in CSS, this calendar is designed for special purpose that is searching for a flight. This calendar is constructed in the shape of a basic but clear rectangle. Especially when you click on the date on the calendar, the information of flight on that date will be shown at the bottom of the calendar, so viewers are easier to follow.
Thanks to this, you can engage with more and more visitors coming to your website.
Simple Calendar by
Store owners should not miss out on this Simple Calendar by BrainUP to have a unique and creative website.
About the calendar template, it comes with a blue background. The combination of white and blue is commonly known as forever on trend. Hence, all texts and icons are white. Moreover, this calendar offers users to power to add their crucial events, so whenever the date is coming, they will be notified about it.
If you are searching for a creative and professional look for your website, hesitate no more to install it.
Date and Time Picker by
To take your website to the next level, you should take into consideration about bring some amazing calendars. This interesting calendar can be the one that satisfies both you and your visitors.
This type of calendar is super inspiring and colorful with 2 basic colors, which are green and white. Especially, this amazing calendar includes the time and allows users to make change about the time with the ruler of time. With this calendar, your visitors will feel excited and love to stay.
Give a try on this awesome Date and Time Picker to please your customers even the most fastidious ones.
React date range picker by
If you are expecting a way to make your site look more professional, it’s highly recommended that you should think about this calendar. It can help you emphasize your website to make viewers more attentive.
To impress the visitors, the background of this calendar is the mixture of colors between purple and white which is totally eye-catching. Furthermore, it consists of basic and crucial dates in each year. Visitors will feel subtle and interesting when they see such an ideal calendar.
All in all, let make your website more professional with a border like this.
Daily CSS Images 09 Calendar by
There are lots of ways to draw your customers’ attention to your website. Taking a try on an ideal calendar is the one which is really easy to do but super effective.
This kind of calendar is unique and attractive, it has a square box in the middle with wooden color which looks like a letter-box. As soon as you see it, it will switch into the present day with smooth and amazing motion. This makes viewers excited and interesting.
On top of all, more customers are coming to your website while you are using this simple but effective calendar. Let take a try on it.
Calendar mobile app UI by
This great calendar will satisfy you when it becomes a part of your app. It can highlight your background and make your customers more fond of your mobile app.
The design of this calendar is extremely eye-catching and delicate. Highlighted by two basic blue and white colors, it makes viewers impossible to take their eyes off the calendar you present. In particular, this example of the calendar is added special dates in each month and reminds users to mark these events.
Get this wonderful calendar for your mobile app, and see how great it is.
Calendar by
You can make use of this wonderful and intelligent calendar to adorn your website more beautiful and attractive to your customers.
To go more in detail, designed by Benjamin, this calendar has a rectangular frame with blue-white color. All the dates are displayed in the calendar as a site version of a calendar book. This makes viewers excited because it not only brings modernity but also brings a highlight and remarkable for your website.
On top of all, more customers are coming to your website while you are using this simple but effective calendar. Let take a try on it.
Duotone calendar by
Duotone calendar is the name of a CSS calendar example, one of the designs generated by the author yumeeeei. The calendar is designed to be outstanding and professional.
To be more specific, the calendar comes with a background filled by purple. This color is bright and very eye-catching. In the center of the background, there is a special calendar designed with a basic but very attractive look with pastel purple as the main color for the background.
What are you hesitating? Let get this amazing calendar to encourage your customer to engage with your website.
Fluent Design Calendar by
Fluent Design: Calendar is an example of a calendar with a clean design, made by the author Antoinette Janus.
To go more into details, the background comes with a look full of beige tones. In the middle of the calendar, there is a small box of dates with basic information. But that's not all, the special thing about this fluent design is when you click on the date, it can transform the template. Your customers must be very excited and impressed with it.
All in all, take a try on this awesome calendar to make your website more beautiful and attractive.
Online Tutorials / Calendar UI Design With CSS Grid | Pure Html CSS UI Design by
If you are trying to create a calendar for your page, this example is extremely suitable for your site - Online Tutorials / Calendar UI Design With CSS Grid | Pure Html CSS UI Design.
This calendar is made up of a simple size but special background. With its simple design, it not only makes viewers comfortable with your calendar but also makes them feel professional. This allows you to freely design the calendar you want with pure colors and patterns by online tutorials.
Just with a simple click, you can set this calendar for your page and make your visitors impressed by your professionalism. Don’t hesitate to do it now.
Flexbox responsive calendar by
The Flexbox responsive calendar is perfectly suited for any part of your website. It is specially designed to highlight your site and make it looks eye-catching.
At the first look, users can be caught instantly by the simple but modern template of this calendar. It has two main colors, which are white and pink, giving a sense of sophistication and elegance. On top of that, when you click on each month, the box of big size of each month will be displayed, so users are able to easier to follow.
It’s highly recommended that you should get this awesome calendar to draw customers’ attention and engage with them more.
Calendar Mock (CSS Only) by
Calendar plays an important role in your website’s appearance. Many websites look quite simple and monotonic without a calendar. Hence, let catch your customers’ eyes by getting a pretty and cool Calendar Mock (CSS Only).
This is a modern calendar made up of special colors of the background. It looks basic but professional with stylish font size and is easy for users to install on their website. When you hover on the days in the calendar, you will see a small note that tells you what special occasions that day is. Moreover, Jamie, who created Calendar Mock (CSS Only), allows users to try a mock version of this example on CSS, so they have more exciting experiences.
Get this wonderful calendar to improve your website’s appearance and make a big impression on your customers. Thanks to this, you can engage with more and more visitors coming to your website.
Calendar Mockup by
This stunning border calendar - Calendar Mockup is specially designed to emphasize and highlight any part of your website.
Your website can draw your clients’ attention with this mockup of calendar combined. It brings a fancy and eye-catching appearance for your website. Particularly, it has a background of a beautiful and attractive sweet white-pink. Furthermore, there are some funny and special notes on the special dates of the month. Looking at this calendar, your visitors will love it and tend to more interested in your website.
Let this wonderful calendar be a part of your website to get the benefits it brings.
Daily CSS Image 09 Calendar by
If you are looking for a simple but cool calendar, clarifying the Daily CSS Image 09: Calendar which is designed by Jocelyn is a great choice.
First of all, this calendar consists of two square boxes with a combination of two different colors. They are extremely eye-catching and worth a try with a linear gradient background and template. Each box gives you the information about the date and the day. Thanks to this, there must be plenty of visitors interested in your website.
Amazing as this calendar is, your website’s appearance can be taken to the next level. Let take advantage of it to make your website becomes more professional and premium.
#DailyCSSImages 9 - Calendar by
This #DailyCSSImages 9 - Calendar fits your website very well if you’re looking to add some sweetness and outstanding blue color.
To go more in detail, this calendar was created with a harmonious blend of blue, orange, and white. This amazing blend will give a sweet, modern, and delicate feeling for clients right at the first look. Furthermore, its design looks like a website version of a calendar book that makes your website look extremely prominent and eye-catching. It can impress your customers and encourage them to view your website.
You should try to use this calendar to make your website’s appearance to the next level.
Windows Fluent Design Calendar by
This type of calendar - Windows Fluent Design Calendar is perfectly tailored for you to use on any part of your website. You can take advantage of it for any kind of website as it is flexible and customizable.
To start with, this calendar has a shape of rectangular background, which has a pink color. It mixes with white color to make an attractive and eye-catching motion to highlight the center on it. Especially, users are allowed to mark their important lists of tasks by adding their events on the calendar. Your customers can have a great experience while they are viewing such a cool and interesting calendar like this, along with any part of your website.
Let get this one of a kind calendar to make your website’s appearance better and better.
Infinite Calendar by
As an online shop owner, you must want to increase the engagement between you and your customers. One of the most effective methods to do this is that enhance your website’s appearance. This stunning calendar is an ideal choice for you to be satisfied.
To start with, it was created with a harmonious blend of white and pink. This amazing blend gives a sweet, modern and delicate feeling for clients right at the first look. That's not all, its tranformation to other pages of months is also smooth and gentle, making your website look extremely prominent and eye-catching. It can make your customers impressed and encourage them to view your website.
Give a try on this awesome calendar to please your customers even the most fastidious ones.
Parallax flipping calendar by
There are lots of ways to draw your customers’ attention to your website. Taking a try on an ideal calendar is the one that is really easy to do but super effective. This Parallax flipping calendar is a great choice for you.
When you first look at it, this border is displayed as a black red bar. However, as soon as you click on it, it will have a flexible and lively transformation from the bar to a box of text, so users are able to note down their important tasks. With a dedicated and eye-catching design, this calendar makes your visitors impressed and attracted.
Let this amazing calendar become a powerful and supportive part of your professional website.
Calendar and Clock by
If you are stress of looking for a simple but pretty border for your website, Calendar and Clock is one of the best choices for you.
What makes it special? Firstly, the background of this calendar is simple but modern that keeps enough simplicity for clients to focus on it. Furthermore, this calendar only has one small box in the middle consisting of all the information you need. Whenever you click on this box, the date and time will be displayed entirely looking like a clock. With this calendar, you can make a big impression on clients and encourage them to stay longer on your website.
So do not hesitate anymore to get Calendar and Clock to take advantage of the simplicity and beauty.
Calendar App by
Are you looking for a solution to impress viewers when they come to your site? One of them is getting the support of calendar, which is one of the most effective ways.
First of all, Calendar App was created with a harmonious blend of white and gentle blue. This amazing blend gives a sweet, modern and nice feeling for visitors right at the first look. Moreover, the thing that makes this calendar stand out others is that when you click on the date, the calendar will transform into a box of text. Users are free to note down all important events. It can make your customers impressed and invite them to stay more on your website.
In a nutshell, you should try to use this border to make your website’s appearance to the next level.
Calendar - Daily UI #038 by
This wonderful calendar which is created by Dali will satisfy both of you and your customers. It makes your website looks cooler and prettier.
To go more in detail, you will see how amazing it is when you take a view of it. Its design is super unique and beautiful with the flower background. With the inspire of cherry blossom, this calendar extremely eye-catching and worth a try. It gives users the important information of dates. Thanks to this, there must be plenty of visitors interested in your website.
Get this awesome Calendar - Daily UI #038 for your website to be better and better.
Calendar by
This type of simple calendar is perfectly tailored for you to use on any part of your website. You can take advantage of it for any kind of website as it is flexible and customizable.
This is a modern calendar made up of a basic and simple main color of background - white. This border is constructed in the shape of a rectangular box surrounding. This unique calendar consists of full information about the date and are sorted in order that makes users easier to focus on.
Simple is always the best, so let try to set this great calendar for your website to see how effective it is.
Calendario by
A website needs to make their better look to attract more comers. Therefore, if you have eye-catching calendar, it will be great. This Calendario will be a reasonable choice.
What makes this example special is that it has a lovely and attractive appearance. With the displaying of natural background, this kind of calendar doesn't give you any available calendar so you are able to design you own ideal calendar in the templates. That can expand your inspiration and make your wabsite more eye-catching and appealing.
Let make your website more outstanding and attractive by installing this calendar now.
Circular Calendar Display by
With this calendar’s attractive and flexible appearance, it would be a great idea to bring it into your website. This brilliant Circular Calendar Display will meet your requirement and satisfy your visitors.
To start with, this calendar is displayed as a circle with a black background and your content in white color in the center. This not only makes it easy to view but also makes your content outstanding and impresses the viewers. Specifically, this calendar gives visitors the knowledge of weather. Thanks to this, you can impress and engage with more and more visitors.
Stunning as this calendar is, your website’s appearance can be taken to the next level. Let take advantage of it to make your website becomes more professional and unique.
CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept by
If this CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept is used for your website, it will bring an extremely attractive beauty to impress your customers.
To begin with, like its name, this example of calendar is the stunning and incredible mixture of amazing colors that attract your visitors' attention at first sight. It is super inspiring and colorful with basic colors, which is blue. More specifically, it allows you to transform the calendar without any requirements.
It's highly recommended that you should try out this wonderful Colorful Calendar Concept.
Event Calendar Widget by
If you expect the part on your website to be clever and beautifully presented, these Event Calendar Widget will probably match your preference.
To go more in detail, this Event Calendar Widget gives you the convenience to easily use and present your calendar. It is very attractive and flexible in appearance with grey background. More specifically, it divides the special events into 4 categories. They are works, sports, kids and other activites. They are all extremely unique and overwhelming the viewer.
Use great calendar to bring beauty to your website.
Haml Calendar by
If you are worried about designing your website stand out, this elegant calendar is carefully made to make your website look great and amazing to catch your customers’ eye.
Created by Katy DeCorah, Haml Calendar will bring visitors the feeling of fresh and gentle. Its outline is eye-catching and attractive bright blue. The design looks simple but still brings a highlight and remarkable for your website.
Take into consideration this Haml Calendar. Let it be one awesome part of your website.
Responsive Flexbox Calendar w/ Retina Images by
This Responsive Flexbox Calendar w/ Retina Images is perfectly suitable to be a part of your amazing website. With the enticing effect, the calendar will match your customers’ preferences and make them interested in your website.
When looking at the calendar, you can see a dedicated design. At first, it is displayed in multiple different small backgrounds. Each date is presented in a box that includes different concepts and content. This calendar with the color of the text, highlight the content, and make the overall look eye-catching, clear and modern.
The beauty and effect of this calendar will satisfy both you and your clients. So get it now or never.
Calendar - Daily CSS Images - Day 09 by
If you're looking for a calendar that makes your site more unique and one of a kind, this Calendar - Daily CSS Images - Day 09 is an ideal choice.
Created by Luca Malattia, to start with, the inspiration of this calendar is also different from all other calendars in CSS. Its design only has one square contour in the middle with the day at the moment. Not only is simple, but it also impresses and grabs your customers' attention.
Let get this outstanding calendar to encourage your customer to engage with your website.
Calendar Widget (work in progress) by
To adorn the beauty of whole parts of your website, this Calendar Widget (work in progress) is designed to fit perfectly with that desire.
When you first see it, it will attract you at first sight by a striking, eye-catching and distinctive color. The mixture of sweet orange and clear white makes your site extremely outstanding. But do you think it has only two colors in this calendar? No, that's not all. The extremely special of this calendar is that when you transform your mouse, the next or previous day will be displayed in a distinct color. Your viewers will love it and see your professionalism when putting this calendar on your site.
What are you waiting for? Try using this calendar to attract more viewers.
Daily CSS Images 09 Calendar by
To take your website to the next level, you should take into consideration bringing Daily CSS Images: 09 Calendar. This interesting calendar can be the one that satisfies both you and your visitors.
When visitors surf your website, they will be attracted and be eye-catching with this wonderful calendar. Its background and template are incredibly adorned and highlighted with the main color is orange mixing with grey. The shape of the calendar is also unique containing full of dates.
Get this wonderful calendar to improve your website’s appearance and make a big impression on your customers.
#dailycssimages Day 9: Calendar (Totoro Totoro) by
If you are looking for a great and special calendar to use, #dailycssimages Day 9: Calendar (Totoro Totoro) is definitely an ideal choice.
What makes it special? This calendar is shaped like a toroto which is a funny, cute and attractive icon. It not only creates a unique feeling but also creates a sense of harmony. Also, it has colors and shapes that make viewers feel cool and funny with bright blue. When you click on the toroto, it will flip to a sheet of calendar so it's easier and usefull.
Amazing as this calendar is, your website’s appearance can be taken to the next level.
Holiday Calendar Card by
This elegant Holiday Calendar Card is carefully made to make your website look great and amazing to catch your customers’ eyes.
To start with, with the inspiration of holiday, this calendar stands out all other examples of calendar in CSS with its unique background and template. Each holiday will have its own concept that reminds the users of these events in a year. Once your customers see it, they will surely feel attractive and have a bit of enchanted with simplicity but beauty.
Let try to set this great calendar for your website to see how effortless it is.
React Calendar by
Calendar plays an important role in your website’s appearance. Many websites look quite simple and monotonic without calendar. Hence, let catch your customers’ eyes by getting a pretty and cool React Calendar.
To go more, it possesses a striking, eye-catching and distinctive design. It is displayed with only one contours in the middle that contains all the information you need. The bright blue color of background mixing with the gentle pink of the template of calendar will dram more viewrs' attractivenesses.
So don’t hesitate to install an ideal calendar like this and enjoy its utility.
How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Calendars examples list
These above 43 CSS Calendars examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:
- The ratings on CSS Examples
- The css’s rank on search engines
- The prices and features
- The css provider’s reputation
- Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
- Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce
Top 43+ CSS Calendars Examples
Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 43 CSS Calendars examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Calendars for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.
The list of the best 43 CSS Calendars examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.
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