24+ Best CSS Animation Libraries Examples from hundreds of the CSS Animation Libraries reviews in the market (Codepen.io) as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Animation Libraries does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best CSS Animation Libraries css collection is ranked and result in February 12, 2025. You can find free CSS Animation Libraries examples or alternatives to CSS Animation Libraries also.
Effeckt.css by
Effeckt.css is a stunning CSS animation library which was powered by the author Rob Larsen as a tool for online business runners who needs some performant CSS transitions and animations on websites.
To go more into details, Effeckt.css provides you with 11 categories of animations, which includes Modals, Positional Modals, Buttons, List Items, List Scroll, Off Screen Nav,
Page Transitions, Captions, Tooltips, Form Elements, and Tabs. For each category, you are allowed to choose the direction to which your content will display towards.
Do you find it interesting? Why not give it a try? Go for it now!
3rd Party Animation Libraries: Framework Examples by
3rd Party Animation Libraries: Framework Examples is a great CSS animation library that was powered by the author Casper392945 as a tool for online business runners who want to build a website with various transitions to catch users’ attention.
To go more into details, 3rd Party Animation Libraries: Framework Examples provides you with 2 types of animations: Transitions and Attention. The type Transitions comes with more than 30 specific transitions while the other one offers you 4 animation libraries to choose from, which include Animate, Animista, Tuesday, and CSShake.
Let users be attracted by your content transitions and make all movements more fun!
Delighters Animation Library by
Delighters Animation Library is an impressive CSS animation library that was powered by the author Evaldas as a tool for online business runners who want to build a website with various transitions from the top, from left, from right, and from the bottom
To go more into details, Delighters Animation Library comes with transitions from various directions according to their names which are From Top, From Left, From Right, and From Bottom. Your content will be moving from the left to the right side, top to bottom, and vice versa just in seconds.
Let users be attracted by your content transitions and make all movements more fun!
Animate.css by
Animate.css is a CSS animation library which was developed by the author Daniel Eden as a tool for online business runners who want to create attractiveness for their websites with
text effects and animations.
To go more into details, Animate.css provides you with more than 100 styles of animation. Animations are divided into 4 specific categories named Attention Seekers, Bouncing Entrances, Bouncing Exits, Fading Entrances, Fading Exits, Flippers, Lightspeed, Rotating Entrances, Rotating Exits, Zoom Entrances, Zoom Exits, and some others are listed in Specials. You can do things to your content and make it show up towards a direction.
View Animate.css on GitHub or download it now!
AniJS by
AniJS is a stunning CSS animation library which was developed by the author Dariel Noel as a tool for online business runners who want to generate many attractive CSS3 animations without coding.
To go more into details, AniJS provides you with 16 styles of animation. Each of them comes with a different look with a different color. Click any button to play the animation preview. The animations include Flip, Rotate, Stretch, Twist, Bounce, Shake, Zoom-in, Hinge and so many more!
No more waiting, go install our library and take a look now!
Animista by
Animista is a complex CSS animation library which was designed by the author Ana Travas as a solution for online store owners who want their website to be more attractive.
To go more into details, there are 6 types of content for you to apply all the animations to. Those 6 types do include Basic, Entrances, Exits, Text, Attention, and Background. For each type, you are provided with 3 to nearly 20 animations such as Scale, Flip, Rotate, Slide, Swing, Drop, and many more, each of them goes with different directions: to the left, to the right, go up/down, etc.
Go install it now!
Bounce.js by
Bounce.js is a powerful CSS animation library which was developed by the author Joel Besada as a tool for online business runners who want to create beautiful CSS3 powerful animations.
To go more into details, Bounce.js comes with a preset having 10 animations. They are Jelly, Black and Forth, Clock, Splat, Road Runner, Slinky, Smack, Swoosh, and Fold & Unfold. For each animation, you are provided with a menu that allows you to have control over settings and configuration. You can easily modify the content’s type, degrees, easing, duration, times of bouncing, and more.
Install and enjoy your traffic increase now!
CSS Animation by
CSS Animation Library was designed by the author Pavel as a solution for online store owners who want to apply good-looking animations to the content to make their website more attractive, trendier, and professional.
To go more into details, the background comes with nearly 200 animation styles for you to quickly install and apply. Depending on what style you apply to, your content, which can be texts, images,..., will be transformed and move according to the chosen style. To make the content more outstanding, you can apply the 3D effect, fade it in or fake it out, zoom in, zoom out, and more.
Feel free to modify your content with CSS Animation Library!
CSShake by
CSShake is a stunning CSS animation library which was developed by the author Elrumorde Laluz as a tool for online business runners who want to build a strong, impressive look for their websites.
To go more into details, CSShake comes with the one and only style: SHAKING but you can make your content shake in many different ways. Here is our collection for you with some styles of Shaking: Basic Shake, Slow Shake, Little Shake, Hard Shake, Fixed Horizontal, Fixed Vertical, Fixed Rotation, Opacity Shake, Crazy Shake, Constant Shake, Chunk Shake, Freezed after Shake, Constant and stops on: hover.
Finds interesting yet? Let’s go for it!
DynCSS by
DynCSS was developed by the author Vittorio Zaccaria as a tool for online business runners who want to make dynamic and CSS rules and properties to give life to their sites.
To go more into details, DynCSS gives you permission to insert a class dynamically to any elements of a given selector, grounded in a condition to be evaluated at run-time. You are allowed to enable more precise positioning of elements. With DynCSS, you can easily program responsiveness in your CSS but you need to define a list of breakpoints and the dynamic variable to watch if you want to do so.
Things are easier now with DynCSS. Let’s experience it today!
Hover.css by
Hover.css is a CSS animation library which was powered by the author Ian Lunn as a tool for online business runners who want to apply hover effects to links, logos, buttons, SVG, and many more.
To go more into details, Hover.css provides you with these kinds of transition and animation: 2D transitions, background transitions, icons, border transitions, shadow and glow transitions, speech bubbles, and curls. Each of them comes with different animations for you to easily apply and modify. Some of them include Grow, Pulse, Bounce, Rotate, Float, Skew, Hang, Bob, Backward, Forward, and more. They are all available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
Go for it now!
Magic Animations CSS3 by
Magic Animations CSS3 is a stunning CSS animation library which was powered by the author Christian as a tool for online business runners who want to display some magical animations for texts on their websites.
To go more into details, Magic Animations CSS3 provides you with 12 categories of animations, which include Magic Effects, Bling, Static Effects, Static Effects Out, Perspective, Rotate, Slide, Math, Tin, Bomb, Boing, and On The Space. Each of them comes with some specific animations such as Magic Effects includes Magic, Twisterindown, Twisterinup, Swap; Bling brings about Puffin, Puffout, Vanishin, Vanishout; and so more.
Download Magic Animations CSS3 today to enjoy!
mimic by
Mimic.css is an animation library which was designed by the author Eric Treacy as a solution for online store owners who want to apply some interesting effects to their website’s content.
To go more into details, the background comes with 20 animations. Each of them displays different styles but if there is a word to describe how all those animations look, it must be “stunning”. You can make your content display more attractively by rotating the text, slightly pushing it to the right/left, fading the text out, slowly lifting it up or making it dropping down.
No more hesitating, install it now!
Motion UI by
Motion UI which is a Sass library for creating flexible CSS animations and transitions was designed by the author ZURB as a solution for online store owners who want to build websites with an attractive look.
To go more into details, Motion UI comes with 7 categories, including Speed: allowing you to set speed on Normal, Slow, or Fast level; Slide: enabling your content to slide up, slide down, or slide toward the right/left; Fade: making your content fade out; Easing: including linear, ease, and bounce; Scale: including scale-in-up and scale-in-down; Hinge: making the content hinge on the middle/top/right/left/bottom.
Not enough? It is waiting for you to figure out!
Obnoxious by
Obnoxious.css is a great CSS animation library which was designed by the author Tim Holman as a solution for online store owners who want to make their website’s look more eye-catching.
To go more into details, Obnoxious comes with 5 styles of animation, which are respectively named “Shake It”, “Fontalicious”, “Intensifies”, “Strobe”, “Twister”. With Shake It, you will see your content, which means texts, or images, shaking repeatedly. In case you want your content not only to shake but also to intensively zoom in, you can select Intensifies. For Fontalicious, the font of your text will be changed from specific font to another within half a second.
Sounds interesting yet? Let’s go for it!
Repaintless.css by
Repaintless.css is an interesting CSS animation library which was designed by the author Lunar Logic as a solution for online store owners who want to make the look of their website more colorful and attractive.
To go more into details, Repaintless is displayed as 13 separate cubes with some specific colors: green, violet, blue, coral pink, and yellow. All those colors are warm and stand out. The button “Play” is the green cube right in the center, which allows all other cubes to be mixed by making them move to the center together.
Still hesitating? Try our demonstration page!
Tuesday by
Tuesday is a quirky CSS animation library which was designed by the author Shakr as a solution for online store owners who want to create many websites with attractive transitions and animations for the content.
To go more into details, Tuesday offers you many effects for entrance and exit transitions. For Entrances, it comes with 8 categories named FadeIn, ExpandIn, ShrinkIn, StampIn, SwingIn, DropIn, PlopIn, HingeFlip. For Exits, there are 5 categories including FadeOut, ExpandOut, ShrinkOut, SwingOut, and HingeOut. Each category has 1 to 5 options for you to quickly select to apply.
It’s that easy! Go install it now!
vhs by
Vhs is a post-future CSS animation library which was designed by the author JXNBLK as a solution for online store owners who want to build websites with eye-catching effects for content display.
To go more into details, Vhs comes with 25 styles of animation which includes Blur, Blur Reverse, Flicker, Flicker Reverse, Zoom, Zoom Reverse, Fade, Fade Reverse, Pulsate Effect, Pop, Pop Reverse, Highlight, Highlight Text, Flash, Left, Left Reverse, Right, Right Reverse, Top, Top Reverse, Bottom, Bottom Reverse, Highlight Pop, Utility, and Delay. They all can help you display your content in a more attractive way by making the text/image keep blinking repeatedly and more.
Click the Replay button to enjoy!
Vivify by
Vivify is a complex CSS animation library which was designed by the author Martin Kníže as a solution for online store owners who want to make their website’s look funnier and more interesting.
To go more into details, Vivify comes with around 70 animation styles. They are all ready-to-use so you can easily install and apply any animation that meets your expectation. There are 6 types of animation that do specify common features of all animations each type includes. You can make your content shake, pop in/out from any direction, flip the content, drop it, fade it out, and more.
Sounds interesting yet? Install Vivify now to approach out animation library!
Wicked CSS3 Animations by
Wicked CSS3 Animations is a CSS animation library which was designed by the author Kristoffer Andreasen as a solution for online store owners who want to attract visitors with interesting effects and animations.
To go more into details, Wicked CSS3 Animations offers you 30 animations in total. The name is written right on each button so it is very simple for you to look for the effect that you desire to apply on your content. You can make your content (texts and images) move side to side, roll it over, make it come closer by heartbeat, rotate it, and more.
Want to figure out? Install it now to enjoy!
Woah by
Woah.css is a CSS animation library which was designed by the author Joe Rezendes as a solution for business runners who want to make their website more attractive with animations.
To go more into details, there are 20 effects in total for you to display your content in a funny, cute, and very eye-catching way. With Woah.css, you can transform the normal way of presentation into many cool movements. You can make your content, or image, fade in, fade out, drop down, rotate around, and more.
Feel free to install and try it out to draw more attention!
Animation Library by
Animation Library is a integrated CSS animation library which was powered by the author Gdk2 as a tool for online business runners who want a professional look for their website.
To go more into details, Animation Library provides you with 22 styles of animations, which include Loader, Gelatine, Spin, Hi There! - a square shaking like a real hand waving, Flash, Pulse, Fade In, Fade Out, Bounce, Bounce In, Bounce In Right, Bounce Out, Shake, Flip, Swing, Fade In Down, Fade In Left, Fade Out Down, Rotate In Down Left, Rotate In Up Left, Roll In, and Hinge
Let’s give it a try by hitting the Install button!
Animations Library by
Animations Library is a powerful CSS animation library that was powered by the author Vong Thao as a tool for online business runners who want to build a kind of dark and mysterious look for their websites.
To go more into details, Animations Library theme brings about a mysterious feeling with the deep red color mixed with black. There are 6 styles of animations for you to quickly choose from or modify in an easy way at anytime. They are: Navigation Swipes, Invalid Action, Loading, Notification, Hover, and Animation III.
Let users interact with the content and make all actions more enjoyable, easier, and fun to use!
JS Canvas Animation Library by
JS Canvas Animation Library is an integrated CSS animation library which was powered by the author Sam Beevors as a tool for online business runners who want to build a funny and colorful look for their background.
To go more into details, JS Canvas Animation Library gives you an eye-catching background with baby blue, violet, black, and white are the main colors. More specifically, there are 2 circles of blue and violet moving in opposite directions while the letter P is stylized beautifully staying in the center of background.
Want to install it now? Hit the Install button and experience it!
How AVADA Commerce ranks CSS Animation Libraries examples list
These above 24 CSS Animation Libraries examples for CSS are ranked based on the following criterias:
- The ratings on CSS Examples
- The css’s rank on search engines
- The prices and features
- The css provider’s reputation
- Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +
- Reviews and assessment by Avada Commerce
Top 24+ CSS Animation Libraries Examples
Special thanks to all vendors which contributed the best 24 CSS Animation Libraries examples. We honestly recommend you to give every css above a try if possible. We create this review series with the aim of helping CSS online stores find the best CSS Animation Libraries for their website. All of the information on the review (including features, description, prices, and links) is collected from the vendor’s website or their own published page/ selling channels.
The list of the best 24 CSS Animation Libraries examples is kept up-to-date on a regular basis by our team. Please feel free to reach us out if you have any questions related to this css review.
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