Home > Shopify Development > How to Create a Collection URL with Type Link in Shopify

How to Create a Collection URL with Type Link in Shopify

Sam Nguyen
Sam Updated: May 27, 2024


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Uniform Resource Locator which is stood for URL is a reference to a web resource. This term specifies the location from a computer network or a mechanism. Moreover, people also have term URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to descript for this URL is a specific type. In many websites and web browsers, Uniform Resource Locator is displayed in an address bar by the URL of a web page. In addition, URLs is usually to reference web pages (http), file transfer (ftp), email (mailto), database access (JDBC), and other applications.

By the development of internet and computers, the E-commerce is getting more and more popular with shoppers. Especially, with the marketplace as Shopify, the number of people coming to this market to find their expected products can be millions. The Shopify become one of the most lucrative market for online merchants. Moreover, it also provide many effective functionalities for Shopify store owners such as Liquid. This is known as the flexible language template. With the lastest updated one, online sellers can build their shop website with the best appearances.

Table of Contents

About Shopify collection

To help admins to manage their shop products, Shopify collection provide them options to arrange those items according to their similarities. It allows the Shopify store owners to structure their products into groups. Therefore, the buyers are easy to find out these items which they want to. Creating a link to a collection page lists all products in the to same vendor, which also allows the users to take control their products easily. In addition, when the shoppers can save time on searching for their favorites, they have more time to buy other items. Through this Create a Collection URL with Type Link in Shopify, itis possible for the Shopify store owners to creates a link to a collection page which connect their specific product type to boost the store’s sales.

Step 1: Input

In this example, the URL link will bring the Shopify buyers to the page with only the type of T-shirt Input

{{ "T-shirt" | url_for_type }}

Step 2: Output

After entering the input, the output will be as below : Output



We hope that our article How to Create a Collection URL with Type Link in Shopify will help the Shopify store owners to know more about the URL linksas well as its importance to create the internal connection as well as increase the sales. Besides, the following list about the Shopify URL filters will support online merchants to boost their revenue:

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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